Master, I know we are allowed to drink milk and eat cheese, but here
in America, cows are treated cruelly. The milk contains a growth hormone
and many cheeses are made with dead cows' stomachs. Should we be vegans?
If possible. Now and again it's OK; don't be fanatic, but if you can
live without it, it's OK, too.
Master, my wife
has been a vegetarian for about one year, but ever since she became
pregnant she has been craving meat or eggs. What can she do?
Ask her. Well, is that a disciple or non-disciple? She is practicing
the Convenient Method. OK. That is just an excuse, to blame it on the
child. Poor kid. Anyway, she is only practicing the Convenient Method.
If she doesn't want to eat vegetarian, we do not force her. Everything
in our family here is volunteer. If you are ready to go Home, I show
you the Way and how to get there, and what to avoid on the journey to
make yourself have quicker and smoother travel. But if you do not feel
ready to go Home, you can do what you want, you can eat meat, drink
wine, go get married, whatever. It's all up to you. I only teach people
who want to learn. If they think they are not ready, it's OK with me.
Take it easy; take your time.
Master, I have
heard you say many times that when we are initiated, five to seven generations
are also saved. Does that mean they will be taken to the same level
as the person that you initiate? Or will they be on a different level?
And can the initiated person visit them?
Oh, sure they can, at different levels. It depends upon how sincere
they are inside and how much karma they have. But the initiate is free.
He can visit anyone anytime, anywhere, no problem. I mean, after they
are deceased, or even during their existence, they always can come to
visit their people. And afterwards, they will be together all the time,
no matter if it's a different level or not. Because you will be existing
on different levels, not just one. So if your parents, for example,
are on the astral level, which is the lowest of the spiritual levels,
and you are on the creative level, which is one level above, then you
can also exist on the astral level at the same time, because wherever
you go, you earn one more extra level, but you exist on other levels
as well, if you want to. So your parents will see that you are always
there with them, too. And in the mean time, you are on a higher level,
everyone else on that higher level meanwhile can also see you. So there
is no feeling of missing or lacking or separation in the spiritual kingdom.
It is different than here.
Dear Master, after
we have been enlightened and we reach the level of Jesus and the Buddha,
are there even higher levels to learn?
Oh, yes, yes, much higher levels to go to. That is just the level of
general Mastership. There are many more, anywhere you want to go, higher,
lower, it doesn't matter. But when you reach Mastership, it's OK already.
Dear Master, you
said the roads of Heaven are paved with gold. Also, do spirits need
palaces in the next world? I think only physical bodies need palaces.
Gold is only precious because we don't have much in this world, but
in Heaven there is much, so is it precious?
Over there no one cares about gold. It just happens to be there. But
that doesn't mean they care to put it there. It is just that kind of
level; everything is beautiful, shining, precious and illuminating,
not like in this world. The gold of that world is much better than in
this world. It just like in a rich house, you go there and find everything
that is rich and opulent.
Master, what do
you think about organ donations after we die?
I don't think anything. You give what you have and what you want, no
problem, just like giving money.
Why did God put
us through a human existence and all the trials and tribulations to
realize ourselves when we were perfect to start with.
It's because we want to have fun. You see a lot of rich people; they
go on vacation every day, every year, or all the time. Do you see them,
people who have big mansions and servants all over the house? What do
they do when they go on vacation? Sometimes they rent a thatched hut
so small it looks like a poor person's house. And they go out and row
boats, sweating in the sun, while they have big yachts that cost hundreds
of millions of dollars at home with engines that run, zip, to the moon,
for example. We want to have fun. When it's fun, it doesn't matter what
we do. We did not recognize our perfect Self until we came here, into
the world of imperfection. And that is what it is, to see the reflection,
so we can know ourselves. This world is created so that we can know
ourselves, know God. It's like a woman was created so that there is
a difference between man and woman. If there were no comparison, we
would not know ourselves. You got it? (Applause) Same like the rich
man, after rowing and sweating in the sun for a month and living in
a thatched hut and simple living, he is glad to go back to his palace,
glad to go back to his yacht and his airplane and his conveniences and
everything that is a comfortable life.
Dear Master, I
don't know if I am ready to go Home. I admire You and I have a desire
to meditate and know God, yet at the same time there are talents and
skills and strengths that I want to develop in this lifetime. Does it
mean that I am not ready to go Home? Does it mean I am not at a high
enough level to be initiated?
No, no, you should just love life; that's good; that's wonderful; you
shouldn't wait until you lose all the strength, your talent, your power,
and you're depressed and poor and handicapped to get enlightenment.
You should do it when you are fully happy and have everything. That's
the perfect time. That means you are at a very high level, because you
have all this and you have all the blessings, and you still want to
see God. You are a saint already.
Master, If a person
is initiated, and he practices a little but then he gives up, then a
few years later he dies, is it possible for him to reincarnate back
into this world or do you just take him up?
It depends on the Master, and depends on the person. The Supreme Master
Ching Hai will take him up, if he wants to go. Nothing is impossible
with this Woman, She is cool. (Applause)
The King James
version of the Bible says: "Except you become as a little child,
you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." What does it mean?
That means we have to clean ourselves of all the preconceived ideas,
clean ourselves of all the previous karmic hindrances that have saturated
our mind, body and emotions. After initiation, the Master cleans you,
cleans you with fire, with the spiritual blessing, makes you shining,
pure, and innocent again like a kid. Then, that's why you can see Heaven
Master, you said
that karma is caused by ourselves, by our own moral standards and our
experiences, so if a person has no moral standards, will their karma
be less, because they do bad deeds, but they don't think they're bad?
Or if a person has a bad memory and he forgets about some of his bad
deeds, does that mean his karma won't be as much?
That's a good excuse! (Laughter) Just go rob a bank and tell the police,
"I have forgotten what I did. Sorry." Do you think the police
will believe it, with all your fingerprints, your face in the camera
and everything? It's a nice way to cheat God, but it is difficult. No
matter what kind of mental ability we have, what kind of disposition
we're in, whatever we do is registered in our subconscious mind and
it will never, never, fade away, unless treated by spiritual power,
unless you erase it from inside of the subconscious mind. That's how
we are redeemed, that's how we become as a child again after initiation.
Master, If I'm
unhappy in my marriage, can I divorce my husband? How do I know when
is the right time to do this?
My God! Talk to your husband! Both of you have to agree on the same
thing, then it's OK. That's if you have to leave him, if you have a
better purpose, not just to run away from the problem, because the next
man you meet might have a worse problem for you. Because the interest
increases, the karma.
Dear Master, when initiates return from a three-day retreat, why do
people see them as different or changed?
Because they have become cleaner, more purified, more radiant.
Dear Master, in
my heart I have five dreams of things that I want to happen. I want
to get a blessing from Master to be successful in this life. Can a person
participate in an international retreat with the spiritual body? How
is it different than coming in the physical body?
I understand. So she wants to stay at home and then say, "OK, I
am going with my heart." That's very convenient. That's a good
idea; next time you come here, I'll just say, "Well, I'll be here
in my heart. I don't have to appear in physical form." Can I do
that? (No.) You answered yourself. It's a wonderful idea you have, my
Dear Master, I'm
79 years old, and I was able to see you in Florida for the first time
visiting America; this is my luckiest day. Thank you, Master. I would
really like to get initiated even though I was told that I was too old.
I'm in very good health. Master, please, can I get initiation?
You have a lot of good health, but not a lot of time. Don't press me
on this. If you want to study in college you have to have some time.
There are some things that require time. Go get the Convenient Method;
it's excellent already.
Master, I am a
disciple from Mainland China, I am very glad to be able to see you before
going back to China, and I wish you a happy and beautiful life forever
from all of the Chinese fellow practitioners. And I have two questions.
The first question is, and many people ask this question-May I travel
with you, because I intend to spread the teachings to the Westerners?
I'm searching to make a life of service to my fellow humans.
You should just stay where you are and serve your family members and
your community, and that is serving the world, that is traveling with
me. Traveling with me doesn't mean physically, but traveling with the
same ideal, same direction, and we'll all get there in time. Because
if you travel with me, there are many inconvenient things; your family
members will miss you; your society will be short of one diligent, talented
worker. Just like a house needs many bricks to sustain its structure,
if you take one away, then things will be different. Stay where you
are and be a saint.
Master, do the
Angel of Maya and the Karmic Master both work together to keep people
here in bondage?
Yes, they do; they are one and the same. They are good, they are doing
their good job, strengthening your determination to know yourself.
Can a person get
initiated today, and right away or maybe in a short time be able to
help the people that he loves to lessen their suffering?
Sure, to a certain extent, right away, because you don't know how many
generations of your ancestors are being lifted to higher dimensions
out of hell, out of suffering; you don't know. And also, during the
course of your life here, you will help countless people.