So what did you think of Supreme Master Ching Hai's poetry put to
It was fascinating; it was absolutely, the style, the poetry and the
words and the pictures that you imagined as you listened to the words,
listened to the story and got a concept of Her walk through life, it
was absolutely fascinating. And what Fred did to it was equally fascinating
because as you know, it involved so many different musical styles. It
wasn't all classically oriented; there was jazz in there, there was
rock in there, there was folk music in there, and there were, of course,
more classical musical themes. And I thought the poetry was wed beautifully
to the music and the music beautifully to the poetry. It was a real
Yes, it was. So tell me your feelings about the concert in general.
What was your feeling?
Well, it was overwhelming. Like the piece, it brought together
so many different people from so many different backgrounds. And what
a wonderful, wonderful experience for all concerned-the musicians, the
narrators, the soloists, the musical styles, the colors. I particularly
loved the Asian children when they came out in their costumes and then
on the other side we had the choir boys in their traditional boy choir
costumes, which are really very old in terms of the actual style. They
go back thousands of years and the style hasn't changed very much, but
I loved that photo in that beautiful volume that was produced recently
of the children on the stage and the choir boys in their traditional
outfits and the Asian children in their beautiful, beautiful costumes
from their various countries. The color, the visual color, was like
the music; there were so many colors and so many textures, it was absolutely
a miracle!
was so professionally produced and the quality came through, and the
standard of excellence. And I know that's all a part of Supreme Master
and who She is, Her artwork and oh, it just goes on and on. She is obviously
a very special, unique lady and a person of so many dimensions. I would
love to know Her better because I think She has so much to offer the
world and She is obviously spending a great deal of Her time offering
to the world all of Her gifts. I was saying earlier today before we
started the session with the kids, I find that in our world when we
look around our world and when we see the problems of our world and
we see the good aspects and then we see the darker aspects, that there
are special people that come along in different periods of history who
have a very unique, special and purposeful role to play in helping the
world along and in making it a brighter place, a more peaceful place,
and Supreme Master is obviously one of those people.
Absolutely. Didn't she surprise the boys with the little red envelopes
She gave them? Tell me about that.
Oh, dear! We weren't expecting that! Because She had made a very generous
contribution to the Choir, to our scholarship fund, it benefited a lot
of boys. But this other gift plan, I was not aware of and I hadn't said
anything to the kids, so they were not expecting this, so they were
absolutely amazed as they are today; those beautiful bags are so artistic
and colorful. But anyway, we made the distribution and said, "This is
a very special gift from Supreme Master Ching Hai and then we distributed
the red envelopes, and some of our Asian boys knew immediately what
they represented, but of course our non-Asian kids didn't know what
it was. I think they thought it might have been a thank you card or
something. And I think they were absolutely flabbergasted. I don't think
any of them have ever had that kind of experience before. So it was
really quite a shock to them.
That is so, so sweet. So they also got to sing one of my favorite
songs from the concert, "I Will Forever Love You."
The kids loved it, but I think in some ways for some of the boys, that
was their favorite musical piece. Because I think it speaks to your
heart and children are touched by that. And it was so moving on stage
when all of those children came out. And it began so beautifully and
so quietly backstage with the soloist, the adult, the soprano soloist,
I believe. And then the walk on and then how the orchestra built.