(Bill Conti) did a wonderful job of arranging it. But after the concert,
weeks and weeks and weeks later in rehearsal, the kids would ask if
they could sing that song, so you see it touched them. So they loved
it and it was very beautifully written and you could tell when you looked
at the words, you could tell, even the audience
joined in at the concert, it is a piece of music that came from the
So what did you think when the most amazing surprise happened, when
Supreme Master Ching Hai
Herself got up to sing at the concert?
Well, I thought when Peter Boyer said, "And now we have something special
for you," I didn't know this was going to happen, and so I was just
as surprised as everybody else was and I thought, "I wonder if She knew
about this before She came up on stage or is he really surprising Her
with this?" And then I thought, "Maybe She had been filled in that this
was going to happen." And I thought, "My God! I hope nobody ever does
something like that to me!" But She was absolutely so cute. She was
so gracious. And there was Debbie Reynolds, you know, encouraging Her
to do this. And Peter, and of course they were being gracious in their
own way. But oh, She was such a good sport. And She did such a beautiful
job, with no rehearsal! And She had never heard the orchestral arrangement.
That is truly remarkable! Even a really seasoned professional singer
could not have done something like that. So that was a real accomplishment.
I was absolutely shocked.
Did you get a chance to see the video of Her great works? And how
do you feel about all the humanitarian works that She does?
I also was very impressed, incredibly impressed, with Her art
display and Her fashion work and the jewelry and the paintings, and
so many mediums, you know, in which She creates. I still just can't
get over how She turns out such a volume of creative works, and all
first-class, all so beautifully expressed. It's truly remarkable, as
I said earlier, when we look around our world and we see special people
like Supreme Master, it really is a lesson for all of us in giving of
So would you like to say hello to Supreme Master?
Yes. Supreme Master, we are so delighted to still be associated with
this wonderful International Association, which You have made possible
through all of Your special work. And I thought it would be kind of
a special touch to bring the boys out to do a little musical presentation.
So when You have a chance to see this, know that this comes from our
heart to You with a great deal of love and admiration. And thank You
so much for Your generosity and for all You do to make the world a better
Members of The Pasadena Boys Choir also shared their thoughts on Supreme
Master Ching Hai and the "One World ... of peace through music"
concert, a summary of which follows: "I love the music and especially
the music to 'I Will Forever Love You.' I thought that was very well
written. I managed to peek out into the audience and I saw Her on Her
great throne." "Everything was done smoothly. I like the music.
It was very flowing, like a river. And everything was done nicely, and
I thought it was a nice concert for Supreme Master Ching Hai."
"It was like being at the Oscars. And I really enjoyed learning
about the history of Her life and what She has done for our world just
to make it so beautiful. I thought it was the best performance we ever
had." "It was nothing like I've ever done before on TV and
everything! It was amazing." "Hi, Supreme Master Ching Hai!
Hope you're doing well! Thank You for everything that You've done. Sending
you lots of love."
We invite you to view this interview on video #39 of the TV Program
"A Journey through Aesthetic Realms." For more information,
please email: SUPREMEINTL@juno.com