Ruaan Zhi-sheng (Right) of National Taiwan University highly praises
Supreme Master Ching Hai when presenting a research report on Her
at the seminar on "Religion and Chinese people around the world".
[Reporter Yao Tsu-shun]
Ruaan pointed out that Supreme Master Ching Hai offers financial assistance
and is committed to helping the world's neediest people in both material
and spiritual aspects. However, She does not build temples or churches,
nor does She accept offerings. Disciples everywhere would love to have
Her stay with them as long as possible, but She prefers to wander around
the globe without a fixed abode, not willing to be tied down to any
single place. Furthermore, with Her intense compassion for humankind,
She helps people with all Her heart and effort, yet She occasionally
reprimands them out of Her profound love for them. For this, She has
been called "the Master who reprimands people." At a time
when people are pessimistic about the last stage of the Dharma, or trembling
with fear about the coming of doomsday, Supreme Master Ching Hai speaks
in high spirits of a new age unfolding for humankind. Although it is
said that She attained ultimate enlightenment deep in the Himalayas,
She asserts that it is not necessary to practice asceticism in the mountains
after receiving initiation, because enlightenment can be attained by
practicing at home.
his research report, Professor Ruaan points out that Supreme Master
Ching Hai has attracted thousands of disciples and has them fly around
the globe to attend international retreats. This is even more impressive
than traveling islandwide on Formosa. Her gatherings are attended by
thousands of people. Very often She has to meet political leaders in
different countries while conducting charitable or relief work. However,
She claims to be naturally shy, and prefers a free, easy, and simple
life. Depending on the occasion and the country She is in, She wears
gorgeous, self-designed clothes or the traditional attire of the country
She visits. She appears in different styles and forms, like a woman
with a thousand looks, for which She is often misunderstood and criticized.
Nevertheless, She continues to act in Her own way, enduring it all in
silence and playing Her role. She claims that the method She imparts
is the most ancient one, yet She gives people a very modern impression.
She even expects Her disciples to become modern spiritual practitioners.
Ruaan said that all these unique, transcendental, and uncommon manifestations
broaden the view of the people and baffle them as well. The temporary
confusion and doubts of worldly people are understandable, but undeniably,
Supreme Master Ching Hai teaches people to perform good deeds and elevate
themselves in both material and spiritual aspects. There is no negative
trait in Her. For the general public, religious researchers, and spiritual
practitioners, Supreme Master Ching Hai and the Quan Yin Method have
at least offered a new message and a new choice. This is an absolute
benefit for all.
open and pluralistic society welcomes all kinds of harmless new things,
and Supreme Master Ching Hai has brought to it a brand new sensation,
said Professor Ruaan. Her various unique contributions have provided
more free choices for society, enriching and adding color to the social
culture. In addition to thanking Supreme Master Ching Hai, he also asks
Her to say a few good words to God for the people of Formosa and Mainland
China, as well as the whole of humankind. 