my initiation two months ago, I was a sincere Zen practitioner. Strangely,
however, I feel as though I have been initiated for years. At the time
of my initiation into the Quan Yin Method, I felt a sense of familiarity
and knew that I had seen Master before.
once had a very strange dream that actually prophesied my meeting with
Master. I dreamt that the world was full of snakes. This was a nightmare
to me, for I am very frightened of snakes, and I tried to keep those
creepy creatures from coming near me. I flourished a sword and clearly
saw the snakes bleed. Then, all the snakes disappeared and the world
became bright and clear.
that time, I heard some people say that they were going to see a Master
who will guide the whole world. Strangely, I could only hear but could
not see them. Though I asked them where the Master was, they just replied
that they were going to see him. I was very eager to see the Master,
and finally found the place where he lived.
was a shabby mud house. I went into the house but could not see the
Master because there were so many people in front of me. The moment
I saw Her, I could not say a word. It was beyond words. At first I had
a feeling that the Master was neither man nor woman. But She had a beautiful
smile that I cannot forget even now. In my 48 years of life, I had never
seen such radiance in a smile. She was incredibly beautiful and had
a bright, clear halo round Her body.
tried to hold Her hand, only to wake up from the dream. I spent the
whole day thinking of the dream because it was so clear to me. I longed
to meet the Master again, not only because the dream remains so clear
until now but also because I was sure She was not an ordinary being
of the human world. And if She was not a human being, certainly She
must be God.
sincerely wanted to see Her and I finally did at the Seoul Center two
or three weeks after I began practicing the Convenient Method. Before
a meditation session, I intuitively recognized the Supreme Master Ching
Hai in the videotape being shown as the Master that I had seen in my
dream. I was thrilled that the Master in the video was so similar to
the Master in my dream. The cap, the dress, and the smile--everything
was exactly same.
was very happy to see the Master again. Until now I cannot forget this
dream. Since I am absolutely certain that the Master guided me to the
Quan Yin Method, I now think of Her as the mother of my soul. I have
seen changes in my life since beginning to meditate. These changes have
been so great that I often think of the immense power of meditation.
For example, the wrinkles on my forehead have vanished since my initiation.
Even my family members are amazed at this miracle and I am pleased to
hear them discuss it.
am an engineer who designs and manufactures many kinds of machines.
Since my initiation, I have developed a more refined and sophisticated
sense of design, much like a woman's. Machinery designing, which was
once very difficult, and for which I needed two to four days to think
out a structure, now has become an easy job. And I can now more easily
understand the deep meaning of many kinds of books as well.
have already applied for three patents. I know I will make fewer unnecessary
mistakes, which will mean lower costs and less modification. When I
concentrate on my wisdom eye, I feel a strong feeling, as if I am going
through a tunnel in a car. I sometimes see the Light even when my eyes
are open. I also have gained a more acute sense of intuition. I hear
heavenly music and experience inner Visions. It is really an honor for
me to have met Master in this lifetime. I give my special thanks to
God for making me such a lucky person!