on the 911 disaster-related relief work
commander of the New York Salvation Army, Major Carl L. Schoch,
accepts our cash contribution with delightful surprise, as he knows
about Master's concern for the victims.
Michelle Mulia-Howell from the New York Red Cross receives a contribution
from the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association and
takes a photo with fellow practitioners.
York] The New York Center was divided
into many groups to visit hospitals and deliver food for volunteers
at the disaster site:
1) Hospital Group:
Volunteer initiates prepared clothing, socks, gifts and other supplies
to distribute at the Israel Hospital, Bellevue Hospital, New York University
Hospital, and Saint Vincent Hospital.
The patients,
volunteers and firefighters injured during the rescue activities were
very thankful and happy about our group's visit. Upon receiving our
gifts, they were touched and our gesture of love comforted their hearts.
One firefighter especially asked his family members to remove his oxygen
mask in order to thank us directly. It was a very touching moment. Conversely,
we were touched by the firefighters' heroic efforts and felt their pain
as we saw them lying in their hospital beds. We tried to comfort them
by holding their hands, talking to them, and listening to them. By reaching
out our humble hands, we learned a great lesson of love.
2) Food Groups:
When we broke through many barriers and got close to the disaster site
24 hours after the attack occurred, a heavy downpour began, and although
it killed the smoke outside, there were still fires burning inside the
rubble, so there was still smoke everywhere. The place had a terrible
smell, being a mixture of everything that was burning inside the buildings,
and a layer of ash about one inch thick covered the surrounding area.
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association uniforms-yellow vests-we
set up two separate booths and hung banners reading "The Supreme
Master Ching Hai Rescue Team" near the World Trade Center collapse
site, and have prepared hundreds of veggie lunch boxes and sandwiches,
as well as fruit, hot coffee and other drinks, as the quantity of food
demanded at the disaster site has increased each day. We have gotten
to know many of the volunteers working day and night without rest, and
they have very much appreciated our Chinese food, saying that it is
the best food they have tasted over the previous few days. We drove
a food van around the disaster site, so that we were able to reach the
most dangerous areas, including buildings that were tilted and about
to collapse, where no food services were available. Most of the places
we visited did not have any food and drink services. Therefore, we jokingly
called our van "The Ching Hai Mobile Canteen."

Pearls of Wisdom