On September 11, 2001, Virginia initiates learned
that two airplanes had destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade
Center in New York. A few moments later, the Pentagon caught fire after
an attack from another airplane. The Pentagon is in the city of Arlington
in the state of Virginia. As were most people in the U. S., we were
in a state of shock and did not know what to do.
a contribution to Colonel Thomas Lewis, National Chief Secretary
of the Salvation Army at its National Headquarters in Washington,
DC |
within a short time, the telephone began ringing constantly. The headquarters
of our Association forwarded Master's message that we should begin the
rescue effort right away. She asked us to go directly to the disaster
areas to help the victims.
We took
action right away, however, the route to the Pentagon in particular,
and all routes to Washington, DC in general, had been blocked off, so
we are unable to enter the disaster site to help.
We then
went to the Virginia Chapter of the American Red Cross, and donated
US$ 10,000 to the organization, and next to the Virginia Hospital Center,
where many victims had been brought in from the Pentagon for medical
diagnosis. The fire at the Pentagon injured many people, but only a
few had lost their lives. Many non-profit and voluntary organizations
had been organized under a command center to carry out various tasks.
We contributed US$ 2,000 to Crisis Link, a non-profit organization handling
a suicide hotline and now taking care of telephone calls from people
looking for their relatives among the victims, to help with their contact
The next
day, several fellow disciples from the Kentucky Center arrived after
driving 12 hours from their area. They had received Master's message
that everyone should immediately try to carry out relief work. We contacted
various Red Cross offices and blood donation centers. But so many people
had volunteered to donate blood that some had to wait up to six hours
in certain places. Next, we received Master's guidance to contact the
National Office of the American Red Cross and the National Salvation
Army, and contributed US$ 51,000 to each in the name of the Supreme
Master Ching Hai International Association. The officials and workers
of these two organizations were very touched. They offered their gratitude
to Master for Her quick action in helping to alleviate the victims'
pain. They also received sample booklets and Master's News magazines,
and asked us about recipes for vegetarian cooking.
a contribution to Ms. Jeanne Mitchell, Chief Development and Communications
Officer and Ms. Becky Huber, Public Support Coordinator of Virginia's
Arlington County Chapter of the American Red Cross.
then went back to the Virginia Hospital Center to find out more about
the victims' condition. The local volunteer agencies were running at
maximum efficiency; victims were being treated with the best care in
one of the best facilities in the world. The Hospital Administrator
asked us to leave our number so that she could contact us in the future.
We then contacted the local Salvation Army to get information about
supplying food to the professional and volunteer workers at the scene.
We bought water, bread, cheese and men's work boots, dog food (dogs
were used to sniff for people still stuck under buildings), kneepads
and sunglasses to supply the workers and delivered them to the Salvation
Army to pass on to the Pentagon relief staff.
a contribution to Ms. Anita W. Parker, Chief Development Officer,
Department of Public Support of the American Red Cross' National
Capital Chapter in Washington, DC
this time, we deeply experienced the impermanence of life. Without a
living Master to guide us physically and spiritually, we would not have
had the confidence and courage to remain calm in order to serve humanity
at this tumultuous time in history. We are grateful to Master for helping
and guiding us to
assist in the relief work.