Story World

Written by a resident disciple from Hsihu

In May 1998, just before Mother's Day, an international five-day retreat was held at the Youngdong Center in Korea, and Master kindly allowed all the Quan Yin messengers to attend the retreat. Having been away from Her for a very long time, we were all overwhelmed with joy at this opportunity. Master felt our intense longing, and often received us after speaking to everyone else. In addition to having casual and cordial conversations with us, She would ask about the typical problems we encountered when working in foreign countries. In various ways, Master sent us Her love to satisfy our longing. Like a group of fortunate children, we were happily immersed in the warmth of Master's tenderness.

That surely was an unforgettable time, but the most impressive experiences for us occurred while grabbing blessed food and dancing. When Master had seen us previously, She often threw blessed food to us. Sometimes, She let us pass the food around; this time, however, She threw it to us so that we could grab as much as we could. Whatever we grabbed belonged to us; we didn't have to share it with others. Perhaps we had not played this game for a long time, because everyone got warmed up and "primed for action." Our concentration was totally focused on the blessed foods in Master's hands.

As soon as they left Her hands, we simply pounced forward like wolves, snatching, seizing, catching and jumping. Not a single piece was left on the floor. At that moment, our actions had to be quick, resolute, and accurate. We had virtually no consideration in our minds for gentility, dignity, or courtesy. If your mind even strayed for a second, or your actions were too slow, you might end up not getting a single piece of blessed food!

When the "game" was over, Master watched with pleasure as we counted our "trophies". Although I had not captured the most, I felt very contented within. Just then, when I was concentrating on grabbing the blessed food, my undivided attention made me easily transcend all mental constrictions from ideas, distracting thoughts, and preconceptions, and thus I was able to immerse myself completely in Master's love and blessings. At that moment, I deeply realized the feeling of being one with Master; I can only say that it was absolute ecstasy!

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