can change many things with our spiritual power. Everyone knows that,
even some lamas, who don't have to practice very highly, but can still
change the weather. We don't have to do that. We just practice and everything
changes according to what we want. Maybe that's the best. Since we began
practicing the Quan Yin Method here in California, I think California
now has the most disciples, and because I come here more often, the
weather since then has become very good. It may be a coincidence, but
it's a nice coincidence. (Applause) So actually, I think it's good.
I think everywhere we change. If we practice the Quan Yin Method, things
will change, I am sure.
There was
a story about a master who went to different countries to give lectures.
One of the disciples who had the heavenly eye open traced the master's
tour on a map. Then he knew where the master was going, and afterwards
he checked with the local initiates about where the master had been.
So wherever he went, it was raining, raining, raining. It was a very
dry country--like India, which sometimes also doesn't have enough water.
But when the master moved anywhere there, the rain came, just exactly
like that. It was just like he used the rain to mop his road. It was
So the disciple
"saw" that, and then he checked it out with the local fellow
practitioners. And it was exactly like what he saw. Really, the Quan
Yin Method is fantastic. We cannot describe all the benefits we will
derive from this Supreme Method. Sometimes I wish the whole world would
know this, but we have to be patient. If you think I am not a patient
person, I think you'd better think again. Because, if I were not patient,
I could not bear this. I could not bear that with such a beautiful method
and so Supreme and so Almighty a power, people would just ignore it
and live in misery. Every day they beg for a little merit from God or
whatever, and they don't even know that they have everything inside.
I have to be patient with disciples like you, too. Because it's such
a beautiful thing and you don't even bother so much. "Two and a
half hours, what? I don't have time!" You don't make enough use
of your treasure. So if you think I'm not patient, you'd better think
again. If I were not patient, I couldn't bear this, really. Real patience
is like that. It's not that if I don't scold anyone, that means I have
patience. I do have patience. Because sometimes if a person is not initiated
and comes to my house for any reason, and if he is behaving the way
you sometimes do, I do not scold him. I do not tell him off; I do not
make him do anything. I just slowly and nicely tell him all the things
to do. For example, if he keeps standing around, I say, "Oh! Please
sit down." Later, if he stands up again, I say, "Please, sit
But because
I care for you, you are my responsibility. So I just have to hurry up
and speed up your recovery. It's just like you care about your children
and how they behave. Even a little failure you cannot bear. But with
the neighbors, you don't care if they are at the bottom of the class.
You don't worry about the neighbor's behavior or his education. But
with your children, you care. You scold them, you encourage them, you
love them sometimes and then you're strict with them sometimes. You
watch every move of your children, but not of the neighbor's. Similarly,
whatever you see from me, whether I behave well or am in a bad mood
or whatever, this is you. It's just a reflection.