tell you a story about very nice things that happened before, a few
thousand years ago. Just to let you know that in the old times people
also had very high civilizations, not just now. And then sometimes,
according to the research or according to history, our previous ancient
civilizations were destroyed somehow by war--perhaps by Star Wars or
planetary wars between each other, or by civil war between brotherhoods.
Because every civilization will develop up to a peak, a very high peak.
And then if the people in that society do not take care to preserve
their inner power to control themselves, and to make wiser use of their
scientific knowledge, then there will be trouble. One will compete with
another to seize the newest discovery and become a master of the other
race, or the other side of the continent or the other planet. And that's
why war will begin. And then, when the war is finished, everything's
that's the trouble with humankind; we never learn. As you see around
us right now, many countries still haven't learned this lesson. Every
time we go to war, our country becomes bankrupt. It will be in poverty
for a long, long time. Everyone knows that; all the leaders of every
country know that. But they just go to war for any reason rather than
have peace. Sometimes they just want to intimidate other people. But
what if the plan goes wrong? Then both sides will misunderstand each
other. Small things lead to bigger things, and then there will be an
explosion. Then war will start all over again, and then our civilization
might be gone, just like the ones that have been discovered recently
from the Atlantic dig or ancient Atlantis, or the ancient alien people.
now we think, "Oh! How come they were so civilized before?"
They must have been, at some time. Maybe they were even more civilized
than we are. Even in the Bible, there is some recording of the wife
of Lot. When she turned around to look, she turned into a pillar of
salt. It looks like the effect of an atom bomb or something like that,
like a highly chemical weapon, that can "chemicalize" people.
It just burns them into ashes and then looks like salt from over there.
there have been a lot of wars before, too. And of course there have
been a lot of discoveries and inventions, maybe far superior to what
we have nowadays. So there is no reason for us to really be proud of
what we have right now, or to rely so definitely on these kinds of transient
means, like scientific apparatus. But we always do that. Every time
we discover something, we think we are great. And then we destroy everything,
and we start from A-B-C again.
read you a story that maybe will illustrate this. This story happened
in China. The Chinese people were the first inventors of many kinds
of modern-day equipment. Of course, at that time perhaps it was a little
bit cruder or in a very elementary form. But then later they developed
more and more. Or maybe the European or American people learned from
their ideas and then made them even more civilized and refined.
example, the Chinese people invented firecrackers. And they have been
used for New Year's, just to make fun and have fun, and to scare the
ghosts away, or to celebrate a very noisy and boisterous occasion, or
when they get married or something like that. But mind you, the Chinese
use firecrackers for anything. (Audience laughs) If someone dies, they
burn firecrackers. If someone marries, they burn firecrackers. When
they feel lousy, they burn firecrackers. When they feel happy, they
also burn firecrackers. When they celebrate a birthday, they burn firecrackers.
And when they celebrate Ching Hai Day, they also burn firecrackers.
(Applause) You have heard them many times, during my birthday or Ching
Hai Day. They burn our ears, too, with all kinds of noises; they love
it. I've gotten used to it by now, with all the drums and gongs and
the firecrackers and things like that.
firecrackers were invented by the Chinese many thousands of years ago.
And they used them for fun. Then there came the Europeans. And they
used them to kill. That's how the gun was invented. The first guns were
used with the Chinese. Before, the Chinese didn't have guns. The first
time the Europeans discovered the firecrackers' explosive powder from
the Chinese, they bought it. Then they refined it. They made it become
guns, or cannons. And they sold it back to the Chinese. At that time,
the first king who possessed the cannons or those explosive substances,
became the greatest conqueror of China at that time. So it's like that.
Inventions sometimes are harmless for children, and then other people
use them in a more murderous way.
cream was also invented by the Chinese and many other things. That's
why before, when the European people first visited China, they were
also very astounded and very surprised. It was such a beautiful fairy
tale--like kingdom that existed. And, as with every other thing, beauty
sometimes attracts the beast and makes a lot of trouble. So I don't
really know what to tell you. If you have a lot of things, like you
have beauty, talents, money and all that, then maybe you attract the
envy of other people. And sometimes it is the source of your misery
or misfortune. So should I tell you to live in poverty or just to have
a simple life and not care about money or things like that? Then life
is also not very comfortable for you, especially in America. You can't
walk on foot like in the Himalayas. You will be starving because the
supermarket is at least three hours away--by car. Everything here is
counted by hours!