Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hawaii, USA,
March 27, 1993 (Originally in English)
English, Spanish, Aulacese English, Spanish, Aulacese
Most of us experience unhappy feelings in life and are unsatisfied--because we don't take time to rest. We think that sleeping is resting. That's fine; it is also resting. But it's not enough. Because we are unconscious, like in death. However if we meditate, we are consciously aware of our greatness, of our communion with the greatest source of the universe, and we are a part of it. We are connected with the whole universal power.
That's why we can be strong, patient and wise. And then we can do many wonders. People will look us and think, "Oh! He can work miracles." But it's not true. It is the universal power that is at work while we connect ourselves with it. It's just like a radio or television network. If we have an apparatus and tune in so that we are connected with the whole television network, we can see a program from thousands of miles away. It's not our TV set that has the program; the program comes from the main station.
Similarly, when we join the saintly order or the universal circle, we are one of them. So we are strong; we are united with the whole. And then we are no longer lonely. We no longer have to use our individual, limited power. Even our daily work will be taken care of and watched over, helped and blessed by this universal power. And if we don't use this power, it is a very great loss to our life. This is the greatest mistake we could ever commit; it's an unpardonable thing to do to ourselves. No other enemy, however cruel or vicious, could be more cruel to us than if we don't know our greatest power, the power that lies within us all the time waiting to be awakened and of service.
What makes a sage different than us? It is that he knows how to use this power. What has made Jesus and Buddha objects of worship for thousands of years? It is because they knew what they had, and they made use of this treasure, this greatest power within themselves. That is the power that makes even kings renounce their kingdoms and makes the Buddha walk away from his throne and never want to go back. That's what makes it so that Jesus can raise the dead and heal the blind. We all can do that, no problem. If I can do it, you can. You're bigger than me, so you can do bigger things. (Master and everyone laugh)
A room is valuable not only because it has beautiful walls and a secure roof, but because of its emptiness inside. That's why we can sit here, and we can put flowers or available objects inside; we can choose things for our pleasure. Similarly, we have to make our own room empty; we have to know the great emptiness inside. And then we can have our choice of ideas and wishes. Everything will come true if we sit and rest for a period in our busy daily life to discover the greatest treasure within, a treasure that makes even the richest person in this world look like a poor beggar. Because we will have the whole universe at our hands, and we desire nothing at all anymore. We still work and still earn money, but only to share it with the world or just to complete our duty as a worldly citizen while in this world. We do so without any desire for reward or attachment to success or failure. We just try to achieve our best in any enterprise.
There was a great Master, Paramhansa Yogananda, who said, "When we sleep, we are like God, like an angel. When we do nothing, we are so pure and so innocent." That is because in sleep we are in touch with our supreme power within. We are at that time one with the Supreme Master inside. But we do this unconsciously. Even so, after we wake up we feel better, and we can work all day long. If we rest for a few hours, even five hours, we feel much better. This is because we rest in the source of all happiness and the healing power of wisdom. Therefore we are innocent like a baby. Everyone sleeps innocently. When a person sleeps, he looks just like a child. Even if he has just murdered someone, or made some very tragic mistake like that in his life, when he sleeps, he just looks like a babe. Because he goes back again to his loving, wise source.