As described in the previous article, the first Internet videoconference involving the Quan Yin Family was held on July 21, 2002 with initiates from Los Angeles and other centers. Since then, Master has spoken several times through the Net with fellow practitioners around the world, as numerous centers in nearly thirty countries have seized the rare and precious opportunity to tune into Her conferences. Initiates who have experienced these real time conversations between Master and disciples have been amazed and excited to be able to communicate with Master "face to face" through state-of-the-art audiovisual links. Below are reports on these experiences from various centers.

[ Singapore ] Master's Special "Manifestation" at the Singapore Center

On the morning of August 11, 2002, as Singaporeans had just finished celebrating their 37th Independence Day, over 200 disciples rushed to the Singapore Center to celebrate an even more worthy event - an international videoconference with our beloved Master.

As the conference began, Master conducted a "virtual ribbon-cutting" ceremony to inaugurate the new Singapore Center. The opening ribbon was placed before the camera, and so appeared on the TV screen before Master. On Her end, Master reached forward with a pair of scissors in hand and made a symbolic cut. Meanwhile, at the Singapore Center, the ribbon (cut beforehand, reattached and separated again) "magically" fell in front of a dancing lion! While our lion and its accompanying lion boy were prancing around before the video camera, their humorous movements made our amused Master laugh, and when we heard Her laughter, we all responded with loud cheers.

After the lion dance performance, Master conducted a question-and-answer session, patiently answering all of our questions and also giving us much encouragement. We all felt greatly blessed. Toward the end of the session, Master spotted our "surprise cakes." "Are those cakes?" She asked excitedly, and the whole audience burst into laughter. Our last "surprise" for Master had been discovered! We had made two huge vegetarian cakes bearing the words "Peace on Earth." This was a little gesture to show our love for Master, as well as our appreciation for the enormous effort She had exerted in making the videoconference a reality. Master then read a list of centers around the world that were participating in the conference. It was a momentous time for our large Quan Yin Family because tens of thousands of disciples were able to simultaneously watch Master and hear Her talk live over the Internet.

We cut the cake and then offered one last Singapore tribute to Master. With bottles of beer (non-alcoholic, of course) in hand, we toasted Master. Thousands of miles away, Master toasted us back with Her own drink and wished everyone good health and longevity, thus bringing the conference to a joyful end.

[ New Jersey, U.S.A. ]

In the early morning of July 28, 2002, fellow practitioners on the New Jersey working team were busy installing audio-visual equipment in their Center's main hall. At the scheduled time in the afternoon, fellow practitioners assembled in the hall to watch Master's real time discourse. Since this was the first time that Master's words were broadcast in real time at the center using Internet technology, many elderly fellow practitioners were amazed and made frequent enquiries about the details. Everyone had the feeling that distant places around the globe now seemed to be next door.

Also, New Jersey initiates were able to see sincere fellow practitioners all over the world join in the Internet conference. When they saw their beloved Master on the TV screen giving them Her regards , they were overwhelmed with inner bliss, and remain grateful for Master's love, while looking forward to the next opportunity to see Her on the Net.¡KNext Page

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Master's Words--Most Blessed Beings in an Era of Advanced Visual Communication