Q: Master, I
just wanted to thank You. We talked about the people who can't get
off the Earth, or who can't find a glimpse of their true Self. Recently,
my father passed away. I never had lost a family member before, and
it was pretty hard. (M: I know.) Thank
He used to call You "the
Asian Princess." That was his name for You because he had seen
Your picture in my car. And so he knew that you were my Master. He
was OK even though he didn't follow the path. One time, I was at my
father's house and I had the sense that he was dying, and then before
he died, he looked around and said, "Oh! That's the Asian Princess!"
And I just feel so grateful that he at least has the taste of that
freedom. He knows the freedom, even though he never knew he was looking
for it when he was alive.
M: He's not excluded; I told you already.
If he knows the Master when he is alive, so much the better. But even
if people don't know the Master, the Master power also takes care
of them, and much more so if he knows and even likes me and gives
me a name. (Master and everyone laugh.) "Princess" is not
a bad name. I like that. That saved him! (Laughter)
Q: I just wanted to ask You, but I don't
know how to put the question. How are we all related to You? Is it
from previous lives? Because we have this strong connection. Did we
follow You before?
M: Some of you
did; some did not. But I cannot count. One, two. too many! Some of
you have a connection, and some don't. Some of you have an indirect
connection. Like OK, you read the sample booklet and throw it in the
dustbin, saying, "Hocus pocus." (Laughter) Even a bad connection
is still a connection.
Maybe it was a good connection,
like if your friend followed the Master and you didn't abuse Her or
say anything bad, but you didn't believe. But your friend prayed for
you; for example, "Oh, please, she's so ignorant; help her."
But because in that lifetime you were so stubborn, you didn't want
it; also your time had not come. So the next time you come back, the
Master follows you. You don't follow the Master, the Master has to
follow Her promise to the disciple. (Laughter)
So, if you had a good connection
before; for example, if you didn't believe in the Master but maybe
you read a book and thought, "Oh, She's cute," or something
like that, or you wondered who She was, or maybe the Master was there
and you gave Her some water or something, then the Master will help
you more, and it's easier. And the relationship is good when you are
reborn again. Because you might not want to get liberated during that
lifetime. Not all of your relatives want to be liberated. If they
do, the Master will immediately take them. That's no problem. But
you cannot force a God to go up there against their will, because
we are all God. So we look like so many, but we are one God together.
We're just separated. It's like a hand with many fingers, but it's
still one hand.
So whatever a disciple wants,
that's God's will. Because he's God, too. But the mind can interfere.
So sometimes you want to, but the mind says, "Oh, no, no. Eat
meat, drink wine. It's good for you, and have a boyfriend you don't
like, and blah, blah, blah..." But at least if when you see the
Master and you give something or you say hello respectfully, then
even though you don't want to go back to Heaven in this lifetime -
you're too busy enjoying your worldly heaven - the Master remembers
that. So next time that's good karma that you have sown.
And then in the next life, when
you come back, you meet the Master, and you feel something familiar.
And whatever She says, you believe. Because you already have the impression
from the last life. And that's good karma. Or maybe your relative
or friend believes in a Master, but you don't want to because your
soul doesn't want to go yet. But then the next time you're ready.
And the Master comes, and you believe right away. Because you already
have good karma or a good connection.
But bad karma is very difficult.
Sometimes the Master has to suffer in this life in order to save that
person. Even if it's a bad connection, it's still a connection. Any
connection lasts and lasts until it is resolved in a good way.