Q: Master, I
heard You say on a tape that sometimes a great soul can separate,
and that You were collecting all the souls back to Yourself. Is that
different than 'God is everything?' Can it also be a great soul? And
I just remembered that on the tapes, because I felt so connected with
You that I thought maybe You are collecting all of Your Self unto
Yourself in some way.
M: Possibly.
Q: Can one great
soul be so much and then collect others unto itself again? Is that
different than God as just one great Being encompassing everyone?
That's what I thought you meant.
M: That's another
one, yes.
Q: But it was
so beautiful that I just wanted to know if it's true.
M: In a sense,
it's true. Because we're all but one. It's just that we have to play
different parts in order to make up the whole. The body needs the
fingers and toes and eyes and nose. The whole body cannot be just
one big nose, for example. (Laughter)
Q: So when they
see You, they feel very much at home, like coming back to You as souls.
M: Yes. Some
of them have been part of the great work, like a group consciousness,
working for the great cause. So they come back again to do the same
thing, or to further evolve themselves by doing a better thing.
Q: Because I
feel so at home.
M: Yes, but after
initiation, whoever comes and is sincere will feel at home. Because
we all have the same goal and we're all one. We've become connected
again, because we have never been separated. So if you're connected,
then you feel you are me, or at least a part of me. That's normal.
The Master, of course, can divide Himself or Herself into thousands,
millions of beings and make the whole world. But it's not only that.
Q: The Master
does that?
M: Also, yes,
sometimes the Master has to take some of Her/His own 'dividedness'
in order to help Him/Her with Their work. So whoever you see working
a lot, who is sincere and has good experiences, must be one of the
small parts of the Master.
Q: I just want
to say, thank you for helping in all the bad moments of my life. That's
M: The bad moments
or the best moments?
Q: The bad moments
and also the best moments.
M: OK.
Q: Thanks.
M: You're welcome.
Thank God!