On the night of December 25 Master allowed Chinese
initiates to see Her after She had seen the Aulacese, and reminded
them that during this precious retreat they should only remember
God instead of trying to fulfill mundane desires or resolve family
troubles, thus affecting others around them. She said that from
now on only those who are sincere about God deserve to attend
retreats, adding that She does not simply want to be a nice person,
but more importantly, She must be a true Master and Her duty is
to convey the Truth from God to us, and not please and entertain
everyone as a nice person does.
In addition, Master illustrated how to show love
naturally through an event from Her own life that recently occurred
in a furniture store during Christmastime, and concluded that
when we help others and make them happy, we double our happiness
- one source of happiness is the joy of helping others and the
other is the joy of the receiver.

On December 26, Master allowed Westerners and
initiates from other countries to see Her and apologized for Her
strictness, but reiterated that God had instructed Her to be a
good Master, not just a nice person. Master then went on to emphasize
the importance of pursuing enlightenment in spiritual practice
and of being at retreats only with God and not with family or
other reasons in mind. She stressed putting down everything to
serve God, citing the example of Her own choice of hair color
and style based on God's will. She concluded this point by saying,
"Life is simpler when you listen to God."
Next Master said that love without wisdom is disaster,
and gave the example of some residents who had built a house for
Her birds. In the process of construction, they installed windows
at the north and south ends instead of only on the west, as She
had instructed. So instead of receiving warm breezes through the
west window, the birds would feel a chilly wind blowing in from
the north that would go directly through to the window on the
opposite wall. For this reason, and because of many other minor
mistakes, such as poisonous fumes from the glue used, incorrect
walls, etc., Her birds could not stay in the new house but had
to remain in cramped quarters until these problems were resolved.
Using this case, Master showed that we must strive for 100% enlightenment
at all costs so that our actions are guided by wisdom as well
as love.

On the retreat's last day, the initiates meditated
in a long final session, from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, and 30 minutes
before the end of this session Master came to say good-bye and
reminded us that She loved us so much that She felt She had to
disobey God to come to see everyone at that time, and would pay
God back later.
Master also prompted us that in order to make
progress during retreats, we must put down everything in the mundane
world, leaving our jobs and families behind and writing the word
"Dead" on our foreheads. She said that we must decide
to make God our number one priority during these times. Then,
reminding us of the ephemeral nature of the physical world, Master
said that our earthly spouses can leave us at any time, but our
Heavenly spouse (God) will stay with us forever. Thus, we must
honor the God within us by making Hirm number one during the time
of a retreat.
Hearing Master's comments, everyone was touched,
and then Master cried, noting that She loves us very much and
that She had to be strict only to help us progress. Everyone then
cried together due to the power of God's love, in a touching moment
of parting.
At retreat's end, the rewards of Master's promotion
of a more single-pointed focus on God were evident in the glowing
faces of the participants. During the last few moments, Master
also said that She knew of our struggles, that She did not blame
us for our problems, and that She loves us all very much. Through
Master's meticulous care, many felt a re-awakening of devotion
to God and spiritual practice. What a blessing for us all to carry
into the New Year!