By a fellow initiate
from Mainland China
months before I was initiated, I borrowed a copy of The Key of Immediate
Enlightenment sample booklet from a friend and read it overnight. While
reading it, I became more and more excited and admiring of Master's
easily digestible teachings and profound wisdom, and became determined
to follow Her. However, my mind created trouble, telling me, "You're
so good at reciting the names of the Buddhas. Why don't you just go
on worshiping and reciting the names of the Buddhas?" I then struggled
and hesitated, and that night, Master's inner Light transformation body
appeared by my bedside in a blue silk dress, asking me in a stern voice,
"What on earth do you want to practice?" I answered repeatedly
without hesitation: "The Quan Yin Method! The Quan Yin Method!
The Quan Yin Method!" Looking back now, I am very grateful for
this firm answer from my inner Master at the moment of my hesitation.
I finally vowed before Master's picture: I must seek liberation and
go Home in this lifetime.
few days later, Master again appeared by my bed in the same dress, looking
at me with loving care, and I asked, "Are you the Master in the
photo or the real Master?" Master didn't reply, but winked at me
with a smile. When I saw Master's beautiful eyelashes moving, I could
not help crying out, "It's really Master!"
on the day of my initiation, when I saw Master's grand picture in the
familiar blue silk dress in the hall, I became extremely excited! Looking
at Master's eyes, I seemed to be back in my dream again. But all this
was no more a dream. Master truly entered and changed my life, making
me a free person, and leading me back to eternal samadhi in my Heavenly