During the Supreme Master Ching Hai Body, Mind and
Soul Art Creation Exhibition, an elderly woman came to the venue with
curiosity written all over her face. A sister initiate smilingly introduced
Master's magazines and sample booklet to her and the woman responded
with delight, "All the scenes here are exactly like those in my
dreams; this is really incredible! A long time ago, I clearly saw in
a dream a beautiful young lady standing near a certain market, telling
me, 'You have to become a vegetarian!' After that, I slowly switched
to a vegetarian diet. I missed my mother, who passed away four years
ago. She was vegetarian and worshipped the Buddha all her life. I too
wanted to learn about Buddhism, but after many years of searching, I
still had not found a master who could truly guide me. All I could do
was pray to the Quan Yin Bodhisattva every day. Then in early January
of this year, I went to a hospital for a checkup; there I met a young
lady whose name I do not know. She kindly informed me that I could go
to the Hsihu Center to learn the Convenient Method, which she was practicing.
So I did. Later, I heard about this exhibition of Master's art work
at the Social Education Hall, and that's why I'm here. Surprisingly,
what I'm now seeing here at the venue I also saw years ago in my dreams.
And the Exhibition's venue is also near a market, as in my dream of
the beautiful young lady. This is really fantastic!"
The woman further revealed that she
has often been graced by inner experiences since she was young, and
has sometimes seen the Quan Yin Bodhisattva. While practicing meditation,
a graceful and elegant lady has often appeared before her eyes. The
woman believes that she must have very deep affinity with this lady.
When she saw Master's photos at the venue that day, she had a very intimate
feeling. Upon learning that the age limit for initiation is 65, this
64-year-old immediately expressed her firm decision to seek initiation
into the Quan Yin Method.

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