My fourteen-year-old son Chris,
who is not initiated and lives with his mother (my ex-wife), would like
me to send You his sincerest thanks because You recently helped him
when he needed it most. Among Your countless wonders, his story is like
a humble, green patch of Mother Nature, but, it means a lot to me.
After completing my Ph.D. in Missouri
in 1995, I moved to Chicago, to join my family when Chris was almost
seven years old. During that time I took care of him while looking for
a professional job. He ate vegetarian meals with me, and although his
mother seemed not to like it, she did not oppose it, and even ate vegetarian
dishes with us. Chris always asked me to tell him stories before going
to sleep, and I recounted to him many beautiful bedtime tales that You
had told us, thus comforting him and bringing him restful sleep and
I also watched wonderful Disney
movies such as “Beauty and the Beast” with Chris, and explained
to him, “Due to the loveless heart of the young spoiled Prince,
he descended to the level of a beast. He made himself become a heartless
being with much anger and impatience. However, a beautiful young girl,
a symbol of love, came to the beast to awaken his heart, and then the
beast regained his position as a true Prince after developing unconditional
love for the Beauty of God.” I also said that I understood such
stories due to the wisdom of my dearest Supreme Master Ching Hai. So
he naturally loved You.
I can never forget two anecdotes
about Chris that reflect his love for You.
Master from the Sun
The summer of 1995 was extremely
hot in Chicago. And one day, while driving with Chris in my old Toyota,
the sun poured brightly through the windows and I did not even have
an air-conditioner to cool us down. While waiting at a traffic light,
Chris suddenly stood up and used his little hand to shade Your photo
hanging from the rear-view mirror. I asked why, and he replied, “It’s
too hot for Master Ching Hai.” 
Drawing Master’s
Since I could not find a job
in my profession at the time, I worked as a part time laborer sorting
packages for a living at UPS (The United Parcel Service). One night
after I came home from work, my ex-wife excitedly told me, “Your
son was very concentrated on drawing your Master from Her photo.”
(The photo at Yang-Ming Mountain, Formosa) My ex-wife then continued,
“While drawing, Chris wasn’t even aware that I had come
home. I watched him for a while, and he still didn’t notice I
was there.” After she finished her story, I looked at Chris’
drawing and was touched by the purity of his young heart.
Several months later the situation
changed and the time for me to leave Chris had arrived. He felt deeply
hurt that I was going away but all I could say was “Dad is going
to get a job somewhere far away.” One afternoon around that time
I decided to attend a one-day retreat at the Illinois Center, which
was about 100 miles away from Chicago. Before I left, Chris came out
of our apartment to kiss me goodbye five or six times, and as I drove
off he stood behind the window sadly watching me leave.
As the chilly wind of late fall
in Chicago blew yellow leaves from the trees, Chris experienced the
pain of physical separation because he felt the loss of Your love for
him that had been manifesting through me. I had to go to my destination
and put him behind even though it was extremely difficult. I know You
are still taking good care of him and his mother, and although our love
and relationship as husband and wife are gone, I still care for her
as an old friend.
During my past few years of wandering,
I have not often seen or even called Chris, but, he has always loved
me very much. I remember one winter I got the chance to go back to Chicago
to see him. But because his mother and he had moved to an area I was
not familiar with, I got lost trying to visit them and called his mother,
who gave me directions, saying, “You’re just about five
minutes away, and your son is already waiting outside for you.”
But, it still took me about forty-five minutes to get there. My son,
however, was so anxious to see me that he just stood in the snow waiting.
Several years later I settled
down in Austin, Texas, where Chris has come to visit me on occasion.
He has now become a strong, healthy teenager and looks like a typical
Asian immigrant boy in America. But, he still likes to discuss religious
and spiritual issues with me by e-mail and phone or during the times
we are together, and asks questions about You. He has begun to have
problems relating to his classmates, teachers, and sometimes his mother,
saying that he occasionally feels lost, impatient, angry and unsure
of why he has to come into this world. To comfort him, I say that if
he still believes in You, he should pray to You for help and view You
as a dear and most reliable friend.
Earlier this month, Chris suddenly
e-mailed me after quite a long gap between messages. As his e-mail below
states, he hopes that I can send You his gratitude because You recently
helped him in a time of need. I was so happy to read these words that
tears rolled down my face. Although my feelings for my son were strong
several years ago, I now cannot feel the same way. I know, however,
that I still love him very much.
Dearest Master, I’ve often
wanted to write you a letter such as this during the past ten years.
I’ve wanted to talk to You as my dearest friend. But something
always stops me from this kind of communication. I’m afraid of
many things and have tried to hide myself because I know I’m far
away from what I want to be. I want to offer You my best to make You
happy about my spiritual progress. But I’ve always been unsatisfied
with myself. However right at this moment, I just realized that I am
one of Your sons whom You love very much, much more than I love my son.
So I’d like to share with You this simple story.
All of my best and warmest wishes
to You, my beloved and dearest Master and Friend.
e-mail dated 8/6/2003 & 8/26/2003