The Quan Yin Family

by sister initiate Duong Vy, Hammond, Indiana, USA (originally in Aulacese)

Since my first encounter with Supreme Master Ching Hai, all the events that have happened to my family are strong evidence verifying Her words: “God’s almighty power transforms karma.” Due to Master’s grace and our sincere practice of the Quan Yin Method, our family is continuously changing for the better.

My husband and I were born in Au Lac and are now living in a town bordering the states of Illinois and Indiana in the Midwestern United States. Before marrying my present husband, I had four children from my previous marriage, and he also had four of his own. Then we had our youngest son together so in total we have nine children, creating quite a crowd!

Four years ago, a friend lent me some of Master’s videotapes, which my husband and I watched that same night. My husband watched the tapes over and over again, staying up all night, and then going straight to work in the morning. When he came home from work, he told me that he thought Master had lectured so perfectly and wonderfully that he decided to become a vegetarian, according to Her teachings. Even though we had never been vegetarians before and didn’t know how to cook vegetarian dishes, I tried very hard to cook for him. And after several months of seeing him eat vegetarian food and remain healthy, I also decided to become a vegetarian.

Five months after we first watched Master’s tapes my husband was initiated in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, my youngest son and I were also initiated and our family still sincerely practices the Quan Yin Method. We drive every weekend to Chicago or Indianapolis to attend group meditation, in accordance with Master’s recommendation.

A year before my initiation, I had a serious problem with my kidney. Every week, I had to go to the hospital for a dialysis, and each time it took four hours. After these visits, I came home feeling very exhausted and walked slowly. However, after initiation, although I still have my illness, my mental and physical conditions are much better than other patients who have the same problem. In the beginning, knowing that I was a vegetarian, my doctor strongly urged me to eat meat to gain strength, but of course I didn’t, and after a few years of seeing me improve more rapidly than other patients, she changed her mind and told me to continue my diet! I know that illness is just karma so I don’t complain like before, but instead accept my condition and continue to practice the Quan Yin Method so that my life karma can be cleansed. During each group meditation session I attend, the local centers allocate a private area for me where I can place the equipment to filter my kidney water and meditate at the same time. Master is incredibly compassionate and loves me so much that She cares for my every need!

Many more positive changes have occurred to us since we began practicing the Quan Yin Method. For example, the local town officials sent us a congratulatory letter praising our home for having the best garden in the neighborhood, and encouraging us to continue beautifying the environment. Also, my sister-in-law from Au Lac has tried for the past thirty years to become a vegetarian, but only after staying with us, watching Master’s videos and learning the Convenient Method has she been able to do so. It’s exactly as Master says — we meditate to bless the world!

Even my own children and husband have been changed a great deal. Before initiation, I couldn’t talk to my oldest daughter, for even a few minutes, and my husband couldn’t talk to his oldest son without starting an argument. Now, however, all the children are more peaceful and filial and happy to visit us more often than before. My husband’s oldest son is married and has two sons; one is three and the other two years old. Despite their young age, my grandsons’ souls are very mature. When they come to visit us, before each meal, they raise their bowls to ask Master for Her blessing. And each time they see Master’s picture, they fold their hands, bow to Her and say, “Amitabha Buddha!”

One day when the two came with their father to our house I was busy and the kids were being noisy and running all over the place. So I brought a cassette player from my bedroom with Master’s chanting tape and turned it on, hoping that my grandsons would become less hyperactive. It worked exactly as I wished and the kids sat quietly listening to Master. They then pulled the cassette player up to their tiny bellies, paying rapt attention to Master’s voice coming from the machine. When She began chanting “Amitabha Buddha,” the boys immediately put down the cassette player, folded their hands, bowed toward the machine and prostrated many times! After that, their father told them that they had to go home, but they were determined to hold on tightly to the cassette player, throwing their shoes away, not wanting to leave.

They are truly like two little monks, and despite their young age in terms of worldly years, their souls already recognize the Living Master!


Your Love Vibrates in All Our Hearts

   Amazing Grace