Report from Miaoli, Formosa

Celebrating the World’s Spiritual Elevation at the
2003 Moon Festival

[Hsihu] At the end of August 2003, Master announced that the spiritual consciousness of all the countries in the world has risen tremendously, and fellow initiates everywhere celebrated in a joyous atmosphere. Coming soon after Master’s announcement was the Moon Festival, a symbolic time of reunion and auspiciousness in Chinese culture. On the first Sunday of September, fellow practitioners from all around Formosa gathered at the Hsihu Center with relatives and friends to celebrate the Moon Festival and the coming of the Golden Age, meditating diligently in deep gratitude for Master’s infinite grace. Also, for about an hour after lunch, everyone was entertained by brilliant programs such as lively, attractive plays, dance performances and humorous dialogues.



~~ Events Date Book ~~

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.

You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: (English) (Chinese)