Report from Thailand

A Seminar Full of Wonders Graces Western Thailand

by the Bangkok News Group

[Kanchanaburi] Determined to introduce Master’s teachings throughout their homeland, Thai initiates recently began by holding a video seminar at Kanchanaburi College in the western province of Kanchanaburi, an area full of peace and love and the site of international retreats.

As the sisters and brothers enthusiastically distributed flyers and hung posters of Master around the town of Thongphapoom to promote the event, and during the activity itself, they had many wonderful experiences such as the following.


Master’s Blessings Revealed through Infinite Light
While distributing flyers, one brother initiate met an electronics shop owner and explained to her that the Quan Yin Method involves contemplation of the inner Light and Sound. The owner was very interested and mentioned that during her meditation at home she frequently saw white Light as if someone had turned night into day. The initiate then gave the woman a sample booklet, and upon seeing Master’s photo on the cover, she excitedly told the brother that over the previous week she had been having dreams in which Master, surrounded by infinite crystal light, gave her numerous hugs and good wishes.


Master’s Manifestation Form Appears
to Disseminate God’s Gospel!

Another remarkable incident occurred when an initiate introduced Master to a frame shop owner by giving him a sample booklet, and then invited him to attend the seminar. The shop owner inquired about Master and asked where She lived, and the initiate replied, “Master does not reside in Thailand.” Then, the owner looked astounded and said, “Master came to my shop only a few days ago and gave me a sample booklet!”


The Testimony of an Innocent Young Girl

During the flyer distribution project in Thongphapoom, a six year-old girl requested one for her mother, and when she saw Master’s photo on the front she said with certainty, “Oh, this is Father [God]; I can remember!”


Omnipresent Love

As a local couple walked past an initiate’s home, they saw a poster announcing Master’s seminar suspended from a large tree. The two immediately felt blissful and a continuous stream of tears began flowing from their eyes.


The Seminar a Resounding Success

Early on the morning of February 8, 2004, before the seminar began, a respectable elderly woman in a wheelchair, whose right side was paralyzed, was carried up the stairs of the venue to the seminar room. Out of sincere gratitude and deeply touched by Master’s infinite love flowing through the Thai disciples, the woman suddenly began to cry. Then, after everyone was seated, the seminar was conducted with great success. During the question and answer session, many guests asked enthusiastic and insightful questions, and later more than half stayed to learn the Convenient Method, with several requesting full initiation. One of the latter participants was a Thai monk, who had been a vegetarian since the age of twelve and was extremely interested in Master’s lectures. He said that he wished to practice the Quan Yin Method and added “I would like to attain liberation in this lifetime.” The monk remained in the venue for almost an hour after the seminar, talking and asking questions with a brother-initiate.

The activity ended with Master’s limitless love pervading the atmosphere, and besides all the other wonders surrounding the event, the initiates were blessed to have it broadcast free-of-charge on a radio station run by The Mass Communication Organization of Kanchanaburi, Thailand.

Through the Kanchanaburi College video-seminar project, Thai practitioners learned that they should always strive to use their wisdom in accomplishing Master’s work, and became more determined than ever to grow stronger while spreading God’s message of Truth to their compatriots.

Events Date Book

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: (English) (Chinese)