Report from Peru

Master’s Seminars Grace
the Sacred Incan Valley of Cusco

by brother-initiate Edgar Nadal, Lima

[Cusco] On February 12 and 13, 2004, two seminars featuring Master’s videos were held in Quillabamba City, known in the Incan language as Quechua, “the Moon’s place.” The community is located in a lush, scenic valley 1,047 meters above sea level and a nine-hour drive by car from Cusco through hilly terrain reaching 4,600 meters in elevation. Originally, only one seminar was planned; however, due to the earnest requests of local Truth seekers, a second was promptly organized for the following day.

The venue for the first seminar accommodated a hundred people, and during the time Master’s biographical video was being shown, the seats were completely filled so about thirty audience members had to stand and watch. The guests also viewed Master’s video lecture The Mystery of the World Beyond, and were greatly impressed with Her wisdom. Many attendees felt blessed to be able to listen to Master’s wise, erudite words and some even encouraged their companies to take the precious opportunity to learn from a living Master. During the seminar the initiates present felt Master’s Heavenly love reaching out to the Truth-seekers, many of whom stayed afterwards to examine Master’s books and beautiful photos on display.

The second seminar, held in an auditorium that seated 120, also had a capacity audience with more than forty people having to stand to watch the videos, and again people showed great interest in Master’s teachings. One audience member even asked with astonishment how Master could be so young and so wise at the same time! In addition, the guests expressed a desire to pursue a vegetarian diet as one brother, a naturopathic physician, provided clear recommendations on healthy, meat-free living. One attendee was extremely touched and said, “Just watching Master’s lecture is enough inspiration to make me change my lifestyle.”

The overall results of the two seminars were outstanding, with nearly half of the guests learning the Convenient form of practice at the first and one third at the second. Also, through God’s blessings, one of the new Convenient Method practitioners from the February 13 seminar kindly offered the initiates a place to hold group meditation, and now Quillabamba City has its own meditation center.

On the following Saturday, the initiates met with the new CM practitioners and also taught four others who were ready to learn the Convenient Method of meditation. One of the newcomers said, “I was thinking about it last night and decided not to miss the precious opportunity to feed my soul, which I’ve neglected for a long time.”

The brothers and sisters of Peru were filled with joy and satisfaction at having had the chance to share Master’s wise teachings of peace, love and happiness in distant Quillabamba City, located in the sacred valley of their Incan ancestors.


*Thailand * New Zealand * Formosa * Peru * Costa Rica * USA

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