Panorama of Events

Report from the Philippines

Immersed in the Ocean of Love

By the Manila News Group

[Manila] From September 11 to 13, 2004, Philippine initiates experienced perfectly happy days while a Quan Yin messenger came to host an initiation ceremony at the Manila Center.

Prior to the event, the Center had not enjoyed a visit by a QY messenger for nearly two years. To the prospective initiates, their experience before initiation was like living in a dry summer while longing for blessed rain from our compassionate Master. So upon learning that a messenger was coming to the Philippines they rejoiced, and along with initiates from all over the Islands, joyfully made plans to attend the Center's activities. Some came by ship, taking twenty-six hours to reach Manila, and others by bus, which took twenty-one hours; even those who traveled by plane had to travel for an hour.

At the initiation ceremony, almost everyone felt Master's infinite blessings and bliss, with some even experiencing Her Light form within. In addition several new initiates said that they had had an uplifting sensation during initiation as if their body were in outer space, and felt very comfortable and jubilant.

During the few days of group meditation that followed, the QY messenger joined the initiates in small, joyous gatherings where they drank tea and ate snacks together. The initiates sang Master's songs and one sister recited some of Master's poems from The Lost Memories collection. In such a warm, precious atmosphere, the initiates applauded cheerfully, and laughter reverberated throughout the Center. With the messenger's assistance, the fellow initiates also distributed flyers to the public to spread God's gospel.

For this wonderful experience, the Philippine initiates would like to convey to Master their gratitude, and promise to practice diligently to further spread Her teachings. They thus hope to help themselves and others to become liberated from the sea of suffering, find the ultimate Truth and return quickly to the Heavenly Kingdom, where only peace and happiness prevail.

Report from Singapore Report from Japan
Report from Philippines Report from Formosa
Report from Hong Kong Report from Korea

To keep pace with the planet's ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events.

You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please visit the following URLs:  (English)  (Chinese)