Panorama of Events

Report from Mongolia

Spiritual Songs Resound in Mongolia

This spiritual newspaper periodically publishes Master's teachings free of charge in Mongolia.

By a Quan Yin messenger

[Mongolia] The Ulaanbaatar Center in Mongolia's capital has developed rapidly since it was established as a group meditation venue by local fellow practitioners in 2003. Each week, spiritual seekers come to the Center to learn the Convenient Method, and thus one after another new initiates join the Quan Yin family, infusing Mongolia's steppes, deserts and mountains with new vitality.

Video seminar in Baganuur After the seminar, the new Convenient Method practitioners fill out their contact information forms.

The Mongolian practitioners have a high level of spiritual consciousness and great sincerity, which are reflected in the wholehearted interest many new initiates show in helping Master by sharing the Quan Yin Method with their compatriots. For example, several new brothers and sisters who recently came from afar to Ulaanbaatar to receive initiation demonstrated touching sincerity in wishing to establish centers in their hometowns. During the brief period when a Quan Yin messenger was in the capital city in September 2004, local initiates held daily group meditation sessions graced by a superb ambience. They also held a two-day retreat at an initiate's villa, where dozens meditated side by side under Master's special blessings.

In addition, during his visit, the messenger assisted in a video seminar in the coal mining region of Baganuur in response to the earnest invitation of the local contact person. After the video presentation, all the guests registered to learn the Convenient Method, with only one brother leaving regretfully but hoping to return when he could comply with the vegetarian diet requirement. Conditions in Mongolia make vegetarianism difficult. For example, less than one percent of the country's land is arable and during the coldest months temperatures can fall to -30° Celsius. However, the Mongolian practitioners' longing for the Truth has helped them surmount all obstacles.

The Quan Yin family in Mongolia

Economically, Mongolia is not highly developed, but the Ulaanbaatar Center is nonetheless becoming self-reliant. The local disciples have learned to cook vegetarian cuisine and opened a vegetarian restaurant at the Center, preparing dishes with homemade gluten, noodles and bean curd. Thus, the Center is filled with an atmosphere of warmth and prosperity.

Being part of a culture known for its good cheer, candidness and sophisticated vocal art, the Mongolian practitioners are also wonderful singers. Whenever they have a chance, they sing out loud and let their strong, sweet voices soar above the clouds. It is truly a pleasure to hear them sing. At the Quan Yin messenger's farewell evening party, the sisters and brothers sang a touching choral song they had composed especially for Master.

Another example of the Mongolian initiates' sincerity is a brother who, after being initiated into the Quan Yin Method, placed his electrical appliance company in the hands of his wife, who is also an initiate, so that he could devote himself full-time to Master's work. He has since touched the hearts of his compatriots by taking care of the Ulaanbaatar Center just as he would his own home. Each time a communication problem arises, he closes his palms and sings a song that he learned from another Quan Yin messenger. The brother's pious singing always moves his fellow initiates to join in to form a chorus, and with Master's blessings, all disputes are resolved. Thus, through Master's grace, one simple song and one sincere soul have united the hearts of all Mongolian disciples in realizing that we are all One.

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Report from Mongolia

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