
The Noble Bearing of God's Children

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Manila, the Philippines,
May 3, 2000 (Originally in English) Videotape #691

When you shower kindness on the weak and needy, even though you haven’t always been as fortunate as you would have wished, that’s a mark of true generosity and kindness. Because if we give and we’re kind only when we’re in fortunate situations or when we’re rich and comfortable, it’s not much of a surprise. But when we give from a very humble situation or even amidst our own trials, then the Lord really knows that we truly are Hiers beloved children and that we’re bringing the love of God to this planet.

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Scientific Discoveries Must be Balanced by Spiritual Wisdom

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Seoul, Korea,
May 8, 2000 (Originally in English) Videotape #694

Our world has developed very speedily over the last century: in technology, in science and in many other aspects. But it behooves us to develop spiritual wisdom along with scientific discovery. Otherwise, we’ll be in danger of imbalance; our way of life will become too one-sided. We’ll be too attracted to and reliant on technology and machinery instead of relying on our true Self and the true World, which are more everlasting. We’re in danger of destroying ourselves if we don’t have enough spiritual wisdom to handle these technological advancements.

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