The Quan Yin Method
is the Most Exact Science

by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stanford University, California, USA, March
16, 1991 (Originally in Aulacese) The Key of Immediate Enlightenment
3 [Aulacese]
Practicing the Quan Yin Method
is a matter of science that’s more exact than the most exact science
in the world because worldly science sometimes seems correct to us,
but tomorrow someone else will prove that it’s incorrect. But
the science that my fellow practitioners and I are studying right now
is not incorrect at all. For example, each person has a different level,
but the path on which he or she travels is exactly the same so we know
that it’s exact.
For example, suppose ten people get initiated at the same time, but
each has a different level. If some of them are at the same level, they’ll
see exactly the same thing or have similar experiences. But people’s
levels are different from each other’s. For instance, say four
of these people are at the first level, three are at the second level,
two are at the fourth level and one is at the fifth. In such a case,
all of those who are at a certain level will have experiences specific
to that level. So we know that this science is quite exact.