of the Soul
Master Ching Hai’s Latest Books
The Key
of Immediate Enlightenment,
Volume IV <Japanese
The Key of Immediate Enlightenment
book series — a quintessential collection of Supreme Master Ching
Hai’s teachings — has long been regarded as required daily
reading by Quan Yin practitioners. The Japanese edition of Volume Four
is now available to benefit Japanese readers. As in all of the Supreme
Master’s other spiritual publications, in this book She explores
many profound topics. She also anticipates that two thousand years from
now people will be going about their daily lives without desires or
demands and happily sharing love with each other. In addition, Master
addresses questions such as how environmental conservation can ensure
a beautiful appearance for our planet, how Earth’s glorious past
civilizations such as that of Atlantis emerged and disappeared and how
enlightened Masters descend from superior realms to help elevate human
culture. In this text Master Ching Hai also provides insights into how
Jesus Christ and Lao Tze became enlightened Masters through practice
of the Quan Yin Method.
Key of Immediate Enlightenment, Volume 9
<Chinese Edition>
This volume is a collection of Supreme Master
Ching Hai’s discourses given in Aulacese, Her native tongue, between
1989 and 1997. Its brilliant contents include discussions of many topics
related to religion and spiritual practice. Supreme Master Ching Hai,
with wisdom as immense as an ocean, encourages Her compatriots to embark
on the spiritual path. With each chapter, readers are guided more deeply
into an illuminating exploration of the higher realms. In these discourses,
Master uses vivid metaphors and vibrant explanations that are not present
in most of Her Chinese and English lectures. Her wording, though simple
and easily understood, is imbued with profound philosophical truth.
Thus readers will feel as though they are sipping Heavenly nectar while
perusing this illuminating, soul-nourishing text.
Supreme Master
Ching Hai’s Latest CDs
CD-E720 <In
Monkhood Begins with AsceticismGroup
meditation at the Florida Center, U.S.A.,
June 4, 2001
<In English>
Sincerity and Purity of HeartGroup meditation
at the Florida Center, U.S.A., June 12, 2001
<In English with Spanish translation>
to Get in Touch with God Every Day Lecture in Costa Rica, November 22,
Master Ching Hai’s Latest DVDs
order Master’s publications, please contact:
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Publishing Co., Ltd., Taipei, Formosa
Tel: (886) 2-87873935 / Fax: (886) 2-87870873
ROC Postal Remittance Account No.: 19259438 (for Formosa orders
Postal Account: The Supreme Master Ching Hai Publishing Co., Ltd.
Please visit our bookshop’s website to download our catalogue
summaries of the contents of Master’s latest publications:
(in English and Chinese) |