of the Soul
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest DVDs
<Spoken in English with subtitles
in 28 languages>
New languages in this edition: Arabic,
Bulgarian, Dutch, Tagalog and Romanian
The Mystery
of the World Beyond
delivered at the United Nations, New York, NY, U.S.A., June 26, 1992
Summary: In
Her talk, Master examines the dimensions beyond the material world and
the physical, emotional and mental changes that come about when we rise
to these levels through spiritual practice, as well as the transformations
that occur in our daily lives. She also discusses why enlightened Masters
from the superior levels choose to remain at the Fifth Realm instead
of rising to higher dimensions, whether the spiritual level that practitioners
attain in this life is decided when they were born, and how we can use
our wisdom to solve the problems of overpopulation, environmental destruction
and inadequate food supplies.
<Spoken in English, with Chinese subtitles>
Spiritual Life and Professional Ethics
International Four-day Retreat, Washington D.C., U.S.A.,
December 23~24, 1997
Master reminds disciples of the concepts to be embraced and guidelines
to be followed on the spiritual path, emphasizing that spiritual attainment
is the only worthy goal and the top priority of human existence. It
is not enough to simply pray daily for material comfort or smooth solutions
to our problems; we must also practice until we are one with God and
know that we are God. Paying excessive attention to material possessions
is not only onerous, but also lowers our spiritual level and greatly
hampers our progress in meditation. In addition, over-eating makes our
meditation unstable; being eighty percent full is enough; only then
will the next meal be more delicious. And we must fulfill our family
obligations before we can make spiritual progress.
<Spoken in Chinese,
with subtitles in 23 languages>
Maitreya Buddha and the Six Children
The Truth about the World
Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa, August 4/September 1, 1991
In this DVD, Supreme Master Ching Hai addresses the following questions.
From the spiritual perspective, what is the significance of Emperor
Qianlong’s legendary trips to southern China? What is the connection
between the inner levels and the six children playing by Maitreya Buddha
as typically depicted in Buddhist iconography? What is the meaning of
the Chinese term “rulai”? Why does the Quan Yin Method bring
us increasingly closer to the level of rulai? Each time we are beaten
down on the spiritual path, the soul becomes weaker, has difficulty
recovering and may even have to begin anew. In this discourse, Master
wholeheartedly encourages us to hold on to our ideals after initiation
so that we will continue to be elevated.
<Spoken in English, with subtitles in 26 languages>
Let God Serve through Us
Lecture delivered at the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland,
April 20, 1993
Summary: Master
examines how great kings since ancient times have realized God’s
will in ruling their countries, why people today are able to attain
immediate enlightenment while ancient spiritual seekers had to undergo
prolonged trials by enlightened Masters before they could be initiated
and enlightened, and the type of lifestyle that befits a great person.
She also offers an incisive explanation of why many individuals who
wish to do so fail to create peace on Earth, and encourages initiates
working for the United Nations to be brave pioneers in walking “the
way of God” on Earth.
Master Ching Hai’s Latest Books& Latest CDs
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