Brother Husin, who learned the
Convenient Method on December 4, 2004 and lives in Banda Aceh, called
me recently to say that he is now in Medan, together with his wife and
five-year-old son after they survived the 2004 South Asian and African
Husin and his family were extremely
fortunate to have lived through the disaster as the area where they
lived was totally destroyed by the raging flood waters. The brother
said that on Sunday mornings he normally left home at 9:00 AM to work
in an area away from the Tsunami-stricken zone. However on December
26, 2004, the day when the Tsunami struck, he decided to have breakfast
with his wife and son before going to work in that area so they went
out an hour earlier. Thus they survived the catastrophe, and brother
Husin believes that it was due to Supreme Master Ching Hai's blessing
and help so he is very grateful. Though he only learned the Convenient
Method a few weeks before the Tsunami hit, Master nonetheless saved
him and his family and so he feels very fortunate to have met Master
and learned the Convenient form of practice.