Master's Wonders


Master's Power Liberates My Two Mothers

By a fellow initiate from Mainland China (Originally in Chinese)

In my earlier years I never felt a desire for material wealth, but instead suffered great spiritual anguish and yearned for liberation. During this time of spiritual emptiness and thirst, I encountered the blessed nectar of Master’s teachings, jumped in without hesitation and drank to my heart’s content.

I soon learned the Convenient Method and while practicing had an inner experience, in which I floated out of my body and saw two roads—one dark and one bright. I walked toward the brighter one and arrived at a scenic spot with a magnificent building. Entering it, I saw my mother, who had passed away. She was extremely happy and talked profusely, asking me to stay. In earlier dreams in which my mother appeared, she had always remained silent and wore a long face. Thus the experience seemed to be a testimony to the fact that Master had liberated my mother. When I happened to turn my head in the dream, I also saw my stepmother and wondered why she was there.

Later, during a group meditation session after I was initiated, a sister suddenly asked me, “How many parents do you have?” And I replied, “I have a father, a stepfather, a mother, and a stepmother, whom I have refused to accept because she was not legitimately married to my father and it was for her that my father left my mother. Father and I moved in with her when I was six or seven years old. I thus lost both my parents’ love and suffered a lot. Two years later, my mother remarried and paid to take me to my stepfather’s home. With the passing of time, I’ve forgotten how good or bad my stepmother was.” The sister then said, “Regardless of what happened, she adopted you and you were indebted to her. So you should repay her kindness.” I immediately remembered the inner vision I had had and was deeply moved. It is Master who repaid the kindness for me and liberated my stepmother. This is yet another testimony that Master’s promise is absolutely true. After initiation, at least five or six generations of our relatives are liberated, and even my stepmother, who had no biological ties with me, benefited from our association.

I am deeply grateful for the grace of God in bestowing on us such a great Master, for only a true living Master has such immense power and compassion. Also, I am ever more grateful to Master, miss Her deeply and hope we will all cherish the great opportunity to pursue spiritual practice in the Golden Age, pursue the Quan Yin Method diligently and follow Master back to our true Home!

Master's Wonders:
The Miraculous "Ninety-nine Percent"
Master's Care is Omnipresent
Master's Power Liberates My Two Mothers
