Dearest Master, some meditation practitioners claim they’ve seen a
vision of a great disaster in which millions of people are killed. Master,
is that real?
It will be real if many of our world’s residents don’t wake up and
make use of our own great saving power inside. It will be real. God
has given us a lifesaving power, but most of us don’t use it. Of course,
everything that’s been created will be destroyed in the proper time.
If we don’t have enough creative power to preserve it or restore it,
then it will be destroyed.
Just like a house: It could be well-built but
if we don’t maintain it, even if we have all the tools, all the paint
and all the equipment to repair it, the house will come apart or become
damaged by itself. Now, even if this does happen, we still have the
emergency exits. But if we don’t know about them or if we don’t
use them, of course we’ll be in danger.
So I’d like to offer you this opportunity to
at least save yourself should it come to that. But how many people hear
me? It’s so simple and unconditional. You sit there and relax, just
like you’re sleeping, and then all the power, all the knowledge of
your past and all the skills of life come to you. It’s so easy, but
how many people heed this message and instead keep asking me all the
time about the end of the world? We’ll “end” anyhow when we die!
So we might just as well save our souls. Then if we want to save the
world, we can contribute the supreme power. We have to get it back and
use it; otherwise, who else is there to do this? The angels have their
world and their duties to do; Jesus is teaching somewhere that’s more
advanced than our Earth, and Buddha has gone to the Buddha’s Land
to do His things. Only we are here to rescue ourselves.
So if you’re afraid of these disasters, get
enlightenment. Repair the house, restore our world to a higher moral
standard and enlighten our planet more. Then no disaster will befall
us. Otherwise, even if I didn’t know anything about the future, I’d
say, “Yes, anything could happen.” If the world were becoming so
rotten a place that it wasn’t fit to live in, God would take it apart
and create a new one.