[Cairns Highlands] During the past year, two initiates from
southern Australia moved to the mountainous far north of the country.
Being located in the tropics, the area is one of the most beautiful
in the world, yet due to its high elevation it has milder weather than
the coastal zones. The region is covered with natural lakes and rainforests
and is host to several towns with a total population of about 20,000.
The highlands’ natural beauty attracts many spiritually minded people
who are sincere and live a simple life.
On February 6, 2005 the initiates held the area’s first seminar
featuring Master’s videos in the Atherton Neighbourhood Centre. Although
only a few dozen guests attended, the event proved to be a great success
as the audience eagerly watched Master’s video lecture Spirituality
Shines in Adversity delivered in Dublin, Ireland in 1999. At the end
of the seminar, three fourths of the group registered to learn the Convenient
Method of meditation the following Sunday.
Also, about four months earlier, after hearing of The Supreme Master
Ching Hai International Association through a member who had obtained
one of Master’s books at a health expo, the local Theosophical Society
invited a Cairns Highlands initiate to speak at one of its meetings.
On the day of the initiate’s talk many miracles occurred. For example,
the video shown by the Society before the initiate spoke discussed the
nature of sound and how the universe is composed of sound vibrations
based on the philosophy of Pythagoras, whose ideas parallel Master’s
teachings on the cosmic Sound.
During the Atherton Neighbourhood Centre seminar, a woman who attended
said she had found a copy of Master’s sample booklet at a second-hand
shop a week earlier. Upon seeing the title The Key of Immediate Enlightenment
on the cover she was inspired to take it home. That night she prayed
to Master to teach her the Quan Yin Method and Master appeared to her.
Then a week later her friend brought her to the Theosophical Society
meeting at which the Quan Yin initiate was speaking. The woman was thrilled
that her prayer had been answered so quickly, and promptly resolved
to learn the Convenient Method.
Thus, thanks to Master’s boundless blessings, God’s message was
successfully disseminated to the community of Cairns Highlands.