Lyrics written
by Brother-initiate Lee, Seung-Seop
Music composed by Chung, Myung-Hwa, a professional composer
Sung by Yeom, Eun-Hye, an university student majoring in music
(Originally in Korean)
It’s Vegetarian Land
I like vegetables
(Chorus: Vegetables!)
I like a vegetarian diet
(Chorus: Vegetarian!)
I like a vegetarian diet and vegetables
(Verse repeated)
Change your life
(Chorus: Happy, happy!)
Change your mind
(Chorus: Positive, positive!)
Change your food
(Chorus: Vegetarian, vegetarian!)
I like vegetables and a vegetarian diet
Save the Earth
(Chorus: I like the Earth!)
Save the environment
(Chorus: I like the environment!)
No more hunger
(Chorus: No more hunger!)
Be beautiful and healthy
(Chorus: I like beauty!)
I love animal friends
(Chorus: I like animals!)
I like vegetables
(Chorus: Vegetables!)
I like a vegetarian diet
(Chorus: Vegetarian!)