Story World


The Outstanding Flyer Distributing Sister


By Sister-initiate Sheila Coodin,
Vancouver, Canada(Originally in English)

Wouldn’t it be fun to have a little friendly competition, and choose a Distributor of the Month for the Alternative Living flyer? We would have to have certain criteria, like producing creative ideas, having a positive influence, and distributing a high number of flyers. If we did so at our center in Vancouver, the first Distributor of the Month prize would surely go to Sister Ivy.

First, Sister Ivy’s enthusiasm is beyond measure. No matter cold, warm or wet outside (even though she doesn’t like rain), she is always raring to go. Her specialty is going house to house, leaving flyers in the mailbox. Each house is a source of excitement to her, just imagining the occupants reading our lovely flyer. Whereas her sister initiate may be content to leave flyers in the front mailbox, Ivy never fails to check out the back to see if there is another suite there, and hence another mailbox to leave our treasure in.

She also has the ability to provide encouragement to go out and distribute flyers, even when her sister is tired or lazy. Ivy just looks at her with those deep brown eyes, saying, “C’mon, time to go! Don’t you know all the people who are waiting to read our flyer?” And away we go! Within seconds Ivy has passed on her enthusiasm, and we both go merrily about our job.

Whomever we greet, whether two- or four-legged, is a source of joy to Ivy. She charms the people and scares the big dogs away, even though she’s just a small girl herself. She is not afraid of anything or anyone. She licks the good to show her love and warns the bad to change their ways. Moreover, she has a knack to discern if the person is vegetarian, and if so, never fails to show her love without bounds.

Sister Ivy never gets egoistic about all her good work. For her, flyer distribution is just a normal way of showing the love she has already been distributing all her life.

She loves her vegetarian food, and belies all the critics who told us that she would never be able to gain weight eating it. Actually, we had to put her on a diet! She chews her vegetarian bones as if there’s no tomorrow, and loves her veggie snacks. She listens to Master’s chanting contentedly, and within seconds of lying down seems to go into Samadhi. A few people have remarked that she does not seem to be a dog, but has more human qualities. Perhaps this is from all her good work. For these reasons, Sister Ivy would be a sure candidate for the Distributor of the Month award!


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