Many in Mexico Appreciate
the Message
is an historical and cultural city. In certain cities permission is required
for handing out flyers in the streets. This is the case in Guanajuato,
and during the distribution a policeman approached us asking if we had
authorization. A fellow initiate explained to him the purpose of distributing
the information of Alternative Living, and when the officer read the flyer
he allowed us to continue our work freely. Other policemen we encountered
also did not interrogate us further. Rather, they smiled at us and in
some cases asked questions related to vegetarianism.
Michoacan Morelia
is characterized as a tourist and student center. The biggest attraction
has always been its majestic and historic city center, the second largest
in the country and recognized as a world heritage center by UNESCO since
We decided to distribute the flyers in the city center and in the zoo. Many people happily accepted the flyer. One gentleman asked us what it was about. At first he did not understand, but after we explained he finally realized the message of vegetarianism and compassion and requested more flyers to give to his friends and neighbors.
We distributed flyers in English as well, and a tourist asked us where he could find more information. We pointed out our web pages that were mentioned in the flyer, so he understood and left us feeling grateful.
Recently, initiates from Xalapa distributed many Alternative Living flyers
to all the people God put in front of them. Along with the flyer, we also
gave a friendly smile and said, "Have a nice day," giving the
people a cheerful feeling. We all felt the immense love from our great
Master, knowing that this is an opportunity to share Her love with sentient
beings and expand the saintly teachings into the masses.
Being that Xalapa is a point of interest to international students and visitors, flyers with both English and Spanish languages were distributed, in an effort to offer good service to those longing souls who came from faraway places by God’s arrangement. Many of the people who received this valuable information expressed interest in knowing more about how to live a more saintly life, asking questions about vegetarian restaurants and sources of information.
San Luis Potosi
San Luis Potosi state is located in northern Mexico. It was a very pleasant
surprise to see that when distributing the flyers no one threw them away,
and all recipients were very kind. We realized that these flyers were
quite special, shining with Master’s blessing and loving power.
Some establishments allowed us to post the flyers on their doors and walls
with a smile, no doubt because of our beautiful Master’s great force
in this whole noble movement.
Also during this project, we learned that we still have some old ideas about how a job should be done. Master showed us again that doing a noble job always attracts miracles.
The whole distributing experience verified to us that we should always think and believe in the power of God. In this way, we can overcome all obstacles. Even the hard one becomes soft through the simple touch of one beautiful flyer as this one. And everywhere we went we encountered beautiful people to help us all the way. Our brothers and sisters keep a good attitude towards this long-term project, hoping to learn how to be more useful to the world, and we are thankful to Master because of this appreciated opportunity to share the love for our dear friends, the animals.