Tells Jokes
by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, USA,
February 4, 2003 (Originally in English) DVD #754
A man got a telephone call from the doctor.
The doctor said, “About this medical test I did for you, I have
some good news and some bad news.” So the man asked for the good
news first. “The good news is that you have 24 hours to live,”
said the doctor. “My God!” The man said incredulously. “Is
that the good news?! Then what’s the bad news?” The doctor
said, “The bad news is I couldn’t reach you yesterday.”
Did You Say Treatment,
or Cure?
by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, USA,
February 4, 2003 (Originally in English) DVD #754
Two farmers met with each other, and
the first one said, “Didn’t your horse have that disease
that was going around?” The friend replied, “Yes, he did!
He had it bad.” “So, what did you do for him?” asked
the first farmer. “Well, I dosed him good with a half pint of
linseed oil, a tablespoon of turpentine, and three tablespoons of castor
A few days later, the two farmers met
again. The first farmer asked his friend, “Didn’t you tell
me you gave your horse a half pint of linseed oil, a tablespoon of turpentine,
and three tablespoons of castor oil?” The second said, “Yes,
I sure did!” The first farmer exclaimed, “I thought that’s
what you said, but when I gave it to my horse, he died!” And the
friend said, “Of course! Mine did, too!”
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