By Sister Elva,
Formosa (Originally in Chinese)
After the publication of “Ami, Child of the Stars,” another Ami series of books - “Ami Returns” and “Inner Civilizations” - have been published. In these books, Ami brought a friend, Vinka, from another planet, to travel with Peter to different planets and to learn more about the meaning of universal love.
In these two Ami books, the importance of love is emphasized again. Love is a measure of evolution. The more we evolve, the closer we are to reaching love. Love is not only a power, a vibration and an energy source, but also a source of happiness, which is a fruit of love. God is love. God manifested stones, people, stars, clouds, etc., in the universe. That is why we say God created the universe. Although we are not God Hirmself, we are a part of God, just like a drop of water in the ocean is a part of the ocean. We can also say that we are sparks of the love of God. Everything in the universe has life, including stars and the Milky Way, which are also forms of life. The entire universe is a living being. Filters exist between different levels of evolution to block unwelcome things and to avoid destruction. Evolution means elevation of our vibrational frequency and recovery of our true Nature, which is love. However, love has different expressions. One kind of love is universal love, which is the love of God. Another type is limited love. Although it is also love, it is not as high-level. It makes people short-sighted, caring only about themselves and a few related others for their survival. If limited love is developed too much, people might commit crimes and even start wars. Moreover, if the level of science and technology of a world goes beyond its level of loving one another, the beings may attack each other and then destroy themselves. Love is the only power that prevents a planet from destruction; love must therefore be regarded as the foundation of a civilization.
Another main theme of these books is to explain the stages of planetary evolution. There are no life forms during the first stage of evolution. During the second stage, life forms other than human appear; then, humans appear during the third stage. During the fourth stage, humans are united and become like a big family, with love as the “rule” of life. In the first book “Ami, Child of the Stars,” Ami mentioned that there were millions of civilizations similar to that of Earth in the universe that at some time did not pass the tests and were destroyed. Atlantis, on Earth, was one of them. The Atlanteans had highly developed technology, but their love and wisdom were not sufficiently developed. This triggered wars, severely damaging Earth, and everything had to start all over again. It is also stated in these books that whenever a planet is about to be elevated, some unprecedented phenomena will take place, such as when the Earth’s interior shifts, causing earthquakes. At that time, the planet will release new energy that has more subtle and higher-level vibrations. The radiation rays that are released will have double effects: They will make the lower-level beings lose their reasoning ability, causing them to eventually make fatal mistakes and destroy themselves; while for those who have higher levels of evolution, the vibrations will further elevate their levels. According to these books, at the present time the Earth is in the transition period from the third stage of evolution to the fourth stage and is about to join the universal planetary league. Because of the interaction of all things in the universe, if one planet is destroyed, it will affect other higher-level planets. Therefore, the universal planetary league will do their best to assist the planet in its transition. The coming of Ami and the publication of this book series is part of this help, to awaken human consciousness.
In these two books, the concept of death is discussed in depth. In fact, there is no death. In the worlds of lower evolution, when people change their bodies, they cannot keep the memories of their previous life. That makes them misunderstand this as “death.” Humans learn through different experiences, circumstances, places, roles and thoughts, to improve themselves towards perfection. However, because humans have attachment to things, death is the only way for them to go to other realms to learn. Unless we overcome this attachment, we will have to be forced to leave in order to part from our memories and attachment and start anew. On highly evolved planets, people can delay the aging of their body cells. They also know how to transfer their soul from an old body to a new body while keeping clear consciousness during the process and retaining all their memories. They rarely have any unnecessary attachments, so they don’t have to go through the painful death process. They can actively go to a new world while keeping the memories of their previous lives. Whenever a planet joins the universal planetary league, the beings on that planet will be taught the secret of eternal life by the beings of other highly evolved planets. Therefore, eternal life is true and promised to those who are in a highly civilized world. The above excerpts are from the second
and third books in the Ami series. Their wonderful contents show a
great concurrence with Master’s teachings. (Please also refer
to Master’s words on the subject of the Earth’s transition
in “Catch Up with the Pace of Universal Development,”
News #163, Master Says section.) We are fortunate to live in the Golden
Age to witness the transition of Earth, and we have even greater good
fortune in being guided by a great spiritual Master like Supreme Master
Ching Hai, to progress in Her boundless love and to help Earth evolve
to become a member of the wonderful universal family.