Selected Questions and Answers
Peace and Happiness
M: Yes, it will influence you. However, since you live a peaceful, happy life it’s OK! This can only come about as a result of spiritual practice. Q: However, I don’t have any intense spiritual experiences of the inner Light or Sound. M: That’s all right. Perhaps you are asleep at the time. It’s not bad to have a little rest. If you have good results on the outside, then it’s fine. When your stomach is empty, how can your body function? You are feeling very peaceful and blissful on the outside and this shows that you are doing fine in spiritual practice. Just carry on the way you have been doing. Every person has different feelings and spiritual experiences. I would rather have no inner experiences and feel peaceful and happy outside because even if we can go to Heaven each time we meditate, whenever we come out of Samadhi we seem to fall into hell, what’s the point? We only meditate for a few hours. Even if we can meditate for two-and-a-half hours a day, the time we spend in Heaven is still very brief. For the remaining twenty-one hours or more, we are in hell. How can we survive? What’s good about that? In that case we would rather have modest inner experiences in meditation. Perhaps you’re asleep at that time. It doesn’t matter. It’s OK as long as you wake up a happy person! If you are committed to spiritual practice
and meditation, God will definitely know and bless you. Our faith is very
important. We really endeavor to meditate; it’s just that we are
rather weak and fail to climb up. But eventually, when the time comes,
God will give us a push because Hes knows that we have put in an effort.
So don’t be concerned about the level of your inner experiences.
If we have them, it’s fine and if we don’t, it is also fine.
The more we want them, the less they appear. This “wanting”
is itself a kind of desire, which belongs to this world, the level of
the mind, and this is not at all good for spiritual practice. So just
relax and let go and everything will be fine.