By UK News Group (Originally in English)
Georgia Brown, a two-year-old girl from a family who live in Aldershot, Hampshire UK was recently taken as the youngest female member of Mensa, the largest, oldest, and best-known high-IQ society in the world. Potential members must score within the top 2% (above the 98th percentile) of any approved standardized intelligence test. To the surprise of the family, Georgia scored a genius rate of 152 in an IQ test. According to parents Martin and Lucy Brown, Georgia is an amazingly quick learner. She was crawling at five months, walking at nine months, and getting herself dressed by 14 months. She spoke really early - by 18 months she was having proper conversations. She also showed her strong perception for things at a very early age. However, “She doesn’t think she’s better and cleverer than everyone else. She is a very kind and loving child,” said Mrs. Brown. In fact, it is almost noticeable that
many new born babies in this time are highly spiritual, loving or intelligent.
It is somehow a sign or proof that our world has entered the Golden Age
due to God’s grace!