When we pray in our hearts for something, sometimes it’s useful and not necessarily useless. If we pray very sincerely, our prayers will be realized whether we practice the Quan Yin Method or not. As for you who are practicing the Quan Yin Method, I have told you how to pray. Pray for the highest rather than selfish, secular things. Only then will you receive superior blessings. For instance, you may pray for liberation from birth and death, pray that Master will help you to meditate persistently and diligently every day and to endure this world while waiting for your time to come so that you can go Home. You should not pray for such things as becoming a genius, or the best scientist or the most famous doctor. However, some people outside do pray for such things; even children pray for them. They pray that they can enter a good school, become the smartest student, graduate smoothly and so on. So some higher beings, perhaps teachers or angels from the astral worlds, come to these children when they’re sleeping and silently take their souls to schools in Heaven to learn music, science or literature in their world. Then the children return superb and excellent and become increasingly so as they continue to learn. If we can go up there through astral projection, we will see many schools especially for educating children from our world. Our Earth is not the only planet in the universe; there are many planets similar to Earth. They have the same civilization, same lifestyles and same thinking. The children there also study in these “Celestial Schools”; children from many planets go there. Usually, only children who are brighter, more outstanding and have more blessings are eligible to go up there to study these worldly things. Therefore, some children are outstanding, superb and clever and can play beautiful music or write poems at a very young age. For example, for ten consecutive nights the ten-year-old child of a Taipei initiate dreamt that he saw Saints and Bodhisattvas in Heaven. He learned many things from Them, and after coming back could write superb poems. This is not surprising. As for you who practice the Quan Yin Method, I also take you to Heaven to learn a lot of things when you’re sleeping. However, our school is different than their schools; what you learn is the Great Wisdom. Sometimes I also take you on tours of those places, which is why some fellow practitioners can suddenly write poems though they had never been able to do so before. Also, some have never been interested in painting, but now they can paint when they give it a try and some have never been keen about playing music, but now they love it, learn it very quickly and play beautiful music. Or there are many things that we were once incapable of doing but which we can now do very smoothly, and even better than professionals. It’s all because I take you to learn in the superior schools at night. When I take you up to Heaven, you also observe their superior ways of doing things. That’s why we can sometimes understand techniques immediately by observing other people at work. Even though it’s not our specialty or line of work, we can still understand immediately, sometimes even better than the professionals. Have you ever had such an experience? (Fellow practitioners: Yes!) So, after practicing the Quan Yin Method we find it easier to do things and understand everything we read. Some people who used to be dumb can now write poems, write articles and speak eloquently; when reading books or scriptures they can understand them clearly and when observing other people at work they can also understand immediately. Sometimes when watching someone at work, we may think, “Why is that person so stupid? Why is he doing it in this way? But then, I’d embarrass him if I intervened.” We may think, “How frustrating! He’s so slow and dumb! He’s wasting a lot of effort for nothing. If I were him, I would have figured it out long ago.” However, sometimes the other party is a professional and won’t listen to us, thinking that he knows his trade, he’s the expert and we are laypersons. Every time we engage people to work for us, they tell us, “You’re lay people. You can’t understand!” Then I say, “OK, never mind. We can take our time to study it!” There are matters in which I had
initially not wanted to intervene. However, when it concerns our fellow
practitioners and their spiritual practice, I have to intervene and
say, “That’s not the way to do it. You should do it this
way!” On some occasions I have to do it personally, and then
it’s somehow improved. There have been many such incidents.
So we have to observe people’s progress in spiritual practice
before we can really tell who the true experts are. If you are already
an expert in a certain field, you can do things even better and smoother
after practicing Quan Yin Method. If you are nonprofessional, when
you attempt to do something new, you can still do it. Go home and
give it a try. Try doing something you have never done before and
you’ll find that the condition has changed.