By sister -initiate Yubai, Taipei, Formosa
(Originally in Chinese)
During the 2007 European Retreat in Austria, one sister recommended that the Supreme Master Television should show short dramas of how hard it was for children to keep a vegetarian diet in school. In fact, many of our Quan Yin children run into obstacles in trying to maintain a vegetarian diet in school. However, Master has turned the numerous tests for the Quan Yin children on the spiritual path into countless blessings. In addition to the blessed children I am going to mention, I believe there must be tens of thousands of little fellow practitioners who are so graced by Master. The honor Master has bestowed upon them all surely will encourage adult initiates in turn. My husband and I both joyously registered for the 5-day international retreat in Hsihu. But our child Hong was not sixteen yet; therefore, could not attend the retreat. Hong’s uncle wanted to help take care of him and thus invited Hong to go live with them. But as soon as school started, Hong would have to turn in the work needed for him to participate in the Science Exhibit Competition, so he hoped that we would agree to let him stay home by himself. We were very hesitant and concerned. Although he’d already turned 14, we seldom let him stay home alone, not to mention letting him spend the night at home by himself. So I asked him, “Aren’t you afraid?” He replied, “How would I know if I don’t try?” We were very surprised and touched by the unprecedented courage he showed as a child who had never spent a night by himself before. So I started to train him on how to handle the three meals, and left him a long checklist. In the meantime, I prayed to Master silently for help. The 5-day retreat ended and school had also started. I realized when I was not home, Hong handed in his work for the Science Exhibit Competition. He also attended the mode test at school. A few days later, results of the competition and the test came out; Hong received an excellent grade on the competition, and would represent his school in the Taipei City Competition. And he was number one in the Mode Test among all the kids in his grade. We knew this honor belonged to Master. Hong is a Quan Yin child so well cared for by God. My younger sister lives in Malaysia. Her three children are all initiated and diligent with their spiritual practice. The first two children De and Yong both go to boarding schools. Yong lives in a school famed to be strict. The school does not allow any exceptions, therefore, would not provide any vegetarian food. Yong showed the firmness of his belief during school. He only eats white rice with soy sauce (sometimes even without soy sauce), and the vegetarian food and vitamins that my sister sent him. He maintained this way for three years. Hong persisted in keeping the precepts and meditation in such a harsh environment. In the end, he gained the acceptance and affection of his teachers and schoolmates. There were no restrictions to the ages of young initiates who could attend the Thailand retreat. But the schools of all my nephews would not allow any leaves. And they were about to have their finals. They were concerned that asking for leaves would change the teachers’ and schoolmates’ perceptions of them. However, after my sister’s explanation, all three children were very happy to attend the Thailand retreat and all five people in the family received Master’s “gift.” This was truly Supreme Grace, and the most important gift in one’s lifetime. From then on, the entire family practiced more diligently. All three children had to attend a make-up test due to their one-week leave and all received excellent grades. Their previous concern was unnecessary. It was a test of their firmness. I have another nephew who studied in Canada for many years. He kept the precepts and the vegetarian diet. Later he went to the research institute in the University of Washington located in Seattle, U.S. The University of Washington was one of the top ten in the United States. Although his grades were excellent, he was the only one who did not land a work contract in his class. However, two months prior to graduation, an incredible piece of luck happened to him: Microsoft Headquarters had a vacancy and a recruiting firm came to search for a candidate in his department. Because everyone else in his class had a contract, he was the only one available for the job interview. As a result, he obtained the job opportunity envied by every classmate. It was the best gift tailored for his graduation.