Selected Questions and Answers
Ego Can Be Dissolved through Oneness
with the Greater Self
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, Malaga, Spain,
October 1, 2006, (Originally in English) ![]() Q: Master, yesterday morning you were telling us how we have to become more humble and get rid of our ego, and I understood all that. But I wondered if You had some tips about how we actually do that. If you’re working in the world, and you are in a situation where the ego is always coming to the front, how do we actually go about suppressing it? M: Actually, you don’t have to try too hard. It also comes with the inner realization that we all are one; and that in some way in the past lives, we might have offended someone, which is a part of our one-togetherness Self. So, if that particular part of our togetherness Self wants to correct it, it’s alright. It’s all our Self. Suppose yesterday you banged yourself into some stone and you’re bleeding somewhere. So you fix it a little bit, but it’s not complete. And then you go to sleep and you forget all about it. But the next morning you wake up and your eyes see the still-bruised and bleeding areas again, so the other hand puts some bandages on it and it hurts. Sometimes the antiseptic stings; it hurts your skin and hurts your wound, but it helps, and in the long run, it heals your wound. Would you blame the left hand for treating the right hand with the stinging, hurting antiseptic? No! Would you blame the eyes that see the whole body and tell the hand to help? No! The eyes are the all-seeing of your many lifetimes. The hand is the law of karma that works through different people to address the wrong of the past and make it better. Now you understand, yes? (Q: Yes, thank You.)