Panorama of Events



Master’s Love Shines at the Surabaya Book Fair 2007

By sister-initiate Anna Rahmawati, Surabaya, Indonesia
 (Originally in Indonesian)

[Surabaya] On May 28, 2007 (Golden Year 4), the Surabaya Center participated in the Surabaya Book Fair 2007 held by the IKAAPI (Association of Indonesian Publishers), which was attended by dozens of local book publishers.

We set up chairs for visitors to watch Master’s video and installed banners with Master’s Alternative Living message around the venue to emphasize the importance of vegetarianism. A surprising number of vegetarians visited our stand. Some came from Christian Advent background, some chose to become vegetarian for health reasons, and some were just following the Javanese tradition of simple living and refraining from killing.

The cover of “Light & Sound Meditation FAQ” booklets

On the first day of the event, a visitor watched Master’s video at our stand before going home with Alternative Living brochures. Two days later he came back and told us that he had became vegetarian! He stated his admiration for the spiritual ideas presented in the brochures and said he intended to follow Master’s teachings. To help people know more about the Quan Yin Method, we also distributed booklets containing Frequently Asked Questions from the Quan Yin website.

On the second day, dozens of teenagers visited our stand, reading our leaflets and books with enthusiasm and curiosity, making loud exclamations: “Wow, I could not believe that Einstein was a vegetarian!” “I am amazed that so many of the world’s idols are vegetarians.”

We thank Master for this wonderful opportunity to spread Her teaching of love and compassion. We have experienced beautiful things and sensed Master’s blessing all along the way.



With deep compassion for animals and concerned about repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases among animals and humans, Master has offered the world a fundamental solution to the problem by personally designing a friendly but convincing leaflet entitled “Alternative Living” to remind people to choose the vegetarian diet and stop killing in order to overcome global medical crises and save our fellow beings. Master has also instructed all initiates to share this message with their brothers and sisters in every corner of the world. In response, the practitioners have initiated an all-out effort to share Her words of love.

Events Datebook

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events.

You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please visit the following URL: