Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Group
Dusseldorf, Duisburg, Germany, January 2, 2007 (Originally in English) You ought to do more Quan Yin. I observe that most of you just sit there and do a lot of Light, and don’t do the Sound. The Sound will make you more comfortable and with less sickness, even physically. When you feed it back to your body, it recycles your energy. Most of the energy is lost through the outer apparatus. When you sit in the Quan Yin position, you recycle it. You withdraw all the energy within and not too much is wasted outside. So one of the reasons to cross the legs is to preserve the energy, really. If you know something about white magic, they will advise you to do something like that, too, even if they are not a yogi or anything. One protection white magicians use is that when they sense or when they see some bad aura or energy from other people who sit in front of them, they cross their legs and maybe cross their hands as well, if they can. So, actually it is natural also when you don’t feel like talking or when you feel defensive, that you cross your arms, too. It’s a kind of closing in. And when you feel lovely, when you want to greet someone with your heart, you just open your arms in a gesture of defenselessness, openly. But when you feel bored or you don’t like the person, you tend to just cross your arms. It seems to be that way. So even though you don’t know why you cross your legs, it’s still good. And Quan Yin conserves the energy even more. It’s good for you also - physically, psychically, everything. But if you are tired, of course you can stretch your legs a little bit. As long as you can meditate well and enter samadhi, it’s fine. Position is not really that important. Just physically speaking, it helps to also preserve the physical energy. And it helps you stay more well and more healthy. In the morning, or after the Quan Yin meditation, if you look into the mirror, you will see yourself with very clean pinkish skin and bright eyes. When you do Quan Yin for a while, and then you go look in the mirror, it looks like your skin has renewed itself. You feel different and you look different. You look bright and smooth; you’re glowing after some time of Quan Yin - Quan Quang also, but Quan Yin is more obvious. Whenever you meditate alone with Quan Yin, then if you happen to go into the bathroom and have a look, you look different. Your skin looks new, more tender and you glow with pink, even if you never had pink color before. And your eyes sparkle! Anyway, these are some techniques that really do help; they help you stay young. With deep compassion for animals and
concerned about repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases among animals
and humans, Master has offered the world a fundamental solution to the
problem by personally designing a friendly but convincing leaflet entitled
“Alternative Living” to remind people to choose the vegetarian diet and
stop killing in order to overcome global medical crises and save our fellow
beings. Master has also instructed all initiates to share this message
with their brothers and sisters in every corner of the world. In response,
the practitioners have initiated an all-out effort to share Her words
of love.