Elevation of the Soul


Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest DVDs



Spiritual Progress is
Reflected in Daily Life

(Spoken in English, with 25 choices of subtitles)
World Peace Meditation, Special Seminar in Thailand,
November 30, 2006



In this question-and-answer session between Supreme Master Ching Hai and disciples, many practical truths about spiritual practice are revealed. Master encourages everyone to avoid the distractions of daily life and lead a more spiritual lifestyle:

“When you sit or you meditate, whenever you can concentrate, you concentrate. If you cannot, then wait until you can. Keep trying, just like when you practice riding a bicycle. No one is successful so quickly. All of you, as a general guide, if you don’t see much Light and if you don’t hear much Sound, it’s because of a lack of concentration; that’s number one. Nevertheless, if your heart is still sincere and you just sit there, even if you cannot concentrate, it counts. It counts. And even if you don’t have much experience because of karma, concentration, influence from the environment, job stress or emotional problems, it doesn’t matter, as long as your life changes and you feel more peace, more calm and more loving. That is the progress.”


Return to the Innocence of Childhood

(Spoken in English, with 25 choices of subtitles)
 Lecture in Stockholm, Sweden, May 31, 1999


From the beautiful country of Sweden, Supreme Master Ching Hai speaks to us of returning to the innocence of our childhood, when we were most innately connected with God and our inner spirituality. As we all grow older, society causes us to lose our bond with the Divine Spark. However, through the Quan Yin Method, we can easily return to divinity, clarity, and sainthood, just as if we were children seeing the world anew. Follow Supreme Master Ching Hai as She speaks about the evolution of our life from our innocent beginnings and how we can again realize true happiness, a gift given to us through our connection to God. For when we place our trust totally and completely in God, just as a child would in a parent, then we truly understand the nature of the universe and the pathway to the Kingdom of God. It is as simple as that.


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