Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest CDs


Humans Are the
Greatest Beings
in the Universe

(Spoken in Chinese)
5-Day International Retreat, Young Dong Center, Korea, May 6, 1998


If we cannot focus on the wisdom eye when we meditate, is there a good way that can help us? The Buddha spoke of “practicing the middle way.” What does that mean? If we can hear the inner Sound 24 hours a day, should we ignore it or listen attentively? How can we tell whether our thoughts or actions are a result of the ego or good nature? Some qigong practitioners can see the transcendental bodies of their masters. Are these similar to the transcendental bodies of the Buddhas? Master encourages us to always be grateful and cherish God’s grace, for we live in a blessed era where we can practice with great convenience.


The Power of a Living Enlightened Master is Incomprehensible


(Spoken in Chinese)
Group meditation at Hsihu Center, Formosa, January 2, 1989


A real enlightened Master would not use supernatural power to extend His/Her life, yet in His/Her presence, a withered tree will blossom, and dead beings will live again. What is the reason? Why is it so difficult to find a real living Master? What are the abilities of an enlightened Master? The enlightened Masters have inconceivable power, but why have Their lives always been in grave danger since ancient times when They tried to teach or save people? By telling us the story of a powerful enlightened Master in India, Master explains to us the subtle relationship between the power of God and the authority of an enlightened Master. In what way can we help our dying relatives?


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