Inspiring Positive Feedback on
Supreme Master Television
By Illinois News Group, USA (Originally in English)
On October 6, Golden 4 (2007), on behalf of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, the Illinois, USA Center Association members visited Michele Miller, who is the Director of Operations at Classified, Incorporated and a representative of Business Week MarketPlace, to thank her and her organization for their kindhearted efforts in promoting Supreme Master Television. To help us reach as many people as possible, Ms. Miller had given our announcement first priority and ran it five times, free of charge, whenever a spot was available, in addition to offering us a 52 percent non-profit organization discount on our 4 announcements on Business Week MarketPlace since May, 2007. To thank Ms. Michele Miller for her generous support and noble example, we presented her with a Letter of Appreciation and gifts from our Association, which included many of Master’s books and other publications, potted flowers as well as vegan treats such as homemade zucchini bread, a cake inscribed with thanks and chocolates. Michele was very delighted to receive the thank- you letter and gifts. When explaining why she wanted to help spread the positive programming from Supreme Master Television, she said: “In addition to being in the media business for 17 years, I am also a wellness consultant and a very strong advocate of peaceful and healthy living… And in the media world, at least in my world, I have never come across anything as extraordinary as the Supreme Master TV channel. So for me it was an absolute; it was so easy to do, and I believe the word that is being spread is a very necessary word to be spread… The messages that we get from the media unfortunately are very negative and that then spirals down to everyone and affects the way that they think and what they believe. And I believe the messages from the Supreme Master TV channel are just absolutely important to today’s society and I hope it continues.” She went on to say that hopefully the media and those who are introduced to and experience Supreme Master TV programming will learn from it that it is okay to send a positive message to the people. From that, they will begin to live a more positive life, one that allows us to live together peacefully. She also thanked Master for Her devotion and dedication to such work. After the presentation, the fellow initiates
felt it was truly God’s blessing to have the opportunity to meet
such a saintly being as Michele and to hear such inspiring positive feedback
on Supreme Master Television. We hope more and more people in the media
world will join her in continuing the trend of encouraging the nobler
way of life. With everyone reading, watching, listening, saying, and doing
positive things, the world is surely becoming a better place for all beings!