Positive Vibrations of
Supreme Master Television
By brother initiate Bernard, France (Originally in English)
I know that everything around us is “vibration” - different waves and different densities. The whole cosmos is interdependent! My mind knows it, my heart knows it and my soul knows it. However, when hearing the message from Master that Supreme Master Television should be on at home as much as possible because of its positive influence, my mind accepted the words but didn’t comprehend the deeper meaning. I gave the Supreme Master TV web address to my family in France so they could watch it. None of them are initiates but some are vegetarian and practice meditation. They all responded with enthusiasm to the new channel! I asked my father who has Doctorates in Theology and Psychology and is now teaching qigong, what he thought about it. He said that he had technical problems connecting to the video at first but that just by reading the titles and programming, he could see its positive influence and great gift to the world, which is long overdue. His wife was so moved by this new vibration that she went to the www.godsdirectcontact.org website to learn more and immediately wanted to become an initiate. She was so excited to be introduced to a “Living Master!” When I was told this, I finally understood what “positive” meant and in what way it is meant to be comprehended - not just the positive side, but the actual positive effect! Also, I saw how the world could become a better place by being influenced through such vibrations. Since then, Supreme Master Television is on most of the time at home, and I try to spread Master’s message of Alternative Living and Supreme Master TV as much as I can! It took my father’s words to touch
my heart and my soul, because when I had heard these same words before
through my ears, they only reached my mind and therefore only a very shallow
part of my being. Thank You, Master, for Your wisdom and continued teachings.
I pray that I may “hear” You more with my heart and soul!