Master Tells Jokes
Sitting in for My Brother
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, April 21, 2001
Florida, USA DVD #729 (Originally in English)
was a lady who saw a man begging on the street with a hat in front
of him that said, “Blind: Please help!” So, she put a
dollar in the hat. But the wind was blowing so quickly that the dollar
blew away. The man stood up and chased after the dollar, and put it
in his pocket. And the lady said, “It’s written here,
‘Blind man: Please help!’ But you are not blind!”
He said, “Yes, that’s not me. I am not the beggar. It’s
my brother.” So she said, “Then what are you doing here?”
He said, “Well, I am just sitting in for him for a while.”
The lady asked, “And where is your brother now?” He replied,
“Oh, he went to see a movie.”