Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
Latest MP3s and MP4s (Download)

Lectures and musical compositions by Supreme Master Ching Hai are available in books, DVDs and CDs, as well as MP3 (audio) and MP4 (video) format for download. We invite you to visit EdenRules (http://www.EdenRules.com) or the Celestial Shop (http://www.theCelestialShop.com) to browse the catalog, preview the highlights, and enjoy making your purchases online.

◆ MP3

No. 15A (Spoken in Chinese)

Rebirth in a Better World Is Different from Liberation

Group meditation in Pingtung, Formosa, November 2, 1988


No. 15B (Spoken in Chinese)

The Power of an Enlightened Master Is Infinite

Group meditation in Tainan, Formosa, November 3, 1988


No. 79 (Spoken in Chinese)

The Universal Consulate

Lecture in Costa Rica, June 2, 1989


No. 162 (Spoken in Chinese and English)

Appreciation of Gibran's Poems

Group meditation in Tainan, Formosa, April 25, 1991


No. 241A (Spoken in Chinese)

The Highest Communicative Method in the Universe

Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa, April 12, 1992


No. 450 (Spoken in Chinese)

Why There Is Reincarnation

Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa, October 9, 1994


No. 737 (Spoken in Chinese)

To Practice with Ease

Group meditation in Florida, USA, May 11, 2002


◆MP3 & MP4  

Songs/Poetry Recital

No. 765

Beyond the Realm of Time

(In Aulacese)

Lyrics written, music composed and songs sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai



No. 761

The Song of Love

(In English and Aulacese)

Hungary Center

May 28, 2005


No. 780

The Dogs and the Birds in My Life

(In English)



No. 793

A Simple and Noble Life

(In English)

Three-Day Retreat in Paris, France

August 21-24, 2007